✔ 最佳答案
That's the way it has always been.
I don't think it's African Americans that have low IQs, but INNER CITY African Americans that do, simply because they aren't getting the right education/do not want a proper education.
Not to mention that this question is pretty racist. It's like if I were to say:
Why are all white people so crazy and become serial killers? Blacks and Asians aren't insensitive like that.
Why are all Asians good at math? Blacks and whites are good at math?
See why your question is rude?
Not all white people are crazy and serial killers. Not all Asians are good at math. Not all blacks have a low IQ.
It's cultural bias. White people and Asian people live in essentially the same communities, for the most part, so the references and the lingo referenced in the tests are familiar to them. Black people tend to live in communities separate from the ones whites and Asians live in, so they experience a different cultural environment. Seeing as how the tests are generally written by white people, this puts them at a disadvantage. The IQ tests are generally regarded as not an accurate measure of intelligence because of this and several other factors.
The source of this study ?
You must be wrong, since I'm black and have 2 degrees. Or maybe you're just stupid.
we4ll you filthy racist bigot i am Black with an IQ of 142
Let's just reword that as "Why do some black people......?" There is one black person who is president of a very important country, and others have been presidents of other countries across the world.
And, for that matter, how do you define "black"? Many people who are defined within their societies as "black" look light brown to me!
please don't generalize, I know white people with very low IQs and very very smart black people. An IQ test does little to measure true intelligence. I understand why you'd say this and from a socioeconomic viewpoint, not all black people can afford a decent education but neither can all white people. For the black people you speak of, they don't always have someone encouraging them to recognize the true importance of education. It's all very cultural and difficult to understand but please don't generalize.
<laugh> That you even asked this...
There's a lot of literature on this subject at the library and on Amazon.com. You're doing yourself a dis-service by asking here, _if_ you're really interested in finding the answer (I think that you already have made an answer for yourself, though).
An interesting thing that I've noticed, is that people who ask these questions aren't very "street" smart, and almost always have had no dark-skinned friends (and, never will). Take care!
Yes....IQ tests are biased in favour of western society. Did you know that pro rata Nigeria has the highest number of people with IQs over 130,,,,,,bet you didn't.
I score pretty high on IQ tests, but for that I thank my maths teacher, without those maths classes I wouldn't have had a clue how to approach many of the questions. If you keep doing IQ tests, your score goes up because you get practice.
In other words, it has a lot to do with what kind of school you went to and your background. Very shaky evidence for hardwired genetic intelligence differing between races.
I suspect from personal experience (although this is obviously just prejudice) that mixed race people may be smarter than average.
if I was you it doesn't matter about other people IQ mind your own businesses care about your, don't care about others because be glad what you got.
please don't overgeneralize things that our thrown out of proportion. statistics might be right but it's likely only a certain small group of African Americans
And you even had to hide behind anonymity to ask this? So you probably know that you're asking a dumb, racist question. Yet you still ask it.
One of the smartest girls in my year, possibly even school is black. She scores almost 100% on every exam. Not to mention the countless other black people. It sucks that you have to generalise like this.
I'm Asian and i can safely say that i'm pretty average.
Seriously? Black people? I'll tell you why, because most of them are financially in bad position. And living in countries like United States and parts of Europe(maybe education costs are less comparatively low as compared to US) but they are un-likely to afford them. Even if they could afford they might not have proper support. There might be several circumstances giving you an illustration. If you think blacks have low IQ then who is Obama? Kenneth Frazier? Madam C. J. Walker? and there are few others who probably I and you might have known dude.
And what are the IQ's for idiots and a$$holes such as yourself
Why are you racist? To assume that black people have low IQs, you sound very prejudiced. I'm black. I'm just wondering: what is your problem?
"White people and Asians are relatively close in IQ" hahahahahaha biggest bullshit i've ever heard!
suz day be udmb annn shieit
Neil "The Grass" Tyson, nuff said.
It's important to remember that not all black peoples have low its it all Asian people are smart. For some, it could be because of lack of education (either of themselves or their ancestors, for many different reasons. Slavery is only one of them) For others who are African American, it could be that their culture didn't focus on industrialization or intellectual advancement, and the genes passed on. (It's said that 40% of intellugence is inherited from parents, whether that's completely true or not.) I think others said this but for me as well, I know Asian people who aren't the brightest and I know African Americans who are pretty smart.
I don,t know,right, I Q .
The test was invented to prove they were not worth teaching. That said, I do see alot of good, smart young men play that role of the stupid animal because it feels safe. It's what you expect of them and noone has taught them how to be anything else.
I know why. It's because you're racist!
I don't think a phucking skin colour makes a difference.. Anyway, I'm sure yours is lower. The lowest of the low.
If you're talking about those in America, nutrition.
Not just too much McDonalds.
This is a very stupid question, in each and every race there are dumb; average and intelligent people. And you are part of the first group.
Racists are the ones with low IQ's.
how have white people suppressed black people into thinking there idiots is the real question, they are fu cking genetically superior and have huge penises, i bet that aliens look down on us and ponder upon how white people are in charge of the genetically superior, muscular huge penis black man