what is 30 divided by half?

2016-03-20 4:46 pm

回答 (98)

2016-03-21 10:41 pm
30 divided BY half is not equal to 30 divided IN half.

30 divided BY half = 30 / .5 = 60
30 divided IN half = 30 / 2 = 15
2016-03-20 4:48 pm
30/2 = 15.
^ Thirty divided IN half.

30/.5 = 60.
^ thirty divided BY a half.
2016-03-20 6:35 pm
30 divide 1/2 =
30 /1 divide 1/2 =
30/1 X 2/1 =
60 / 1 = 60
That is there are 60 halves in thirty.
2016-03-20 4:47 pm
2016-03-23 12:41 pm
Are you talking about 30 divided in half?
Anyways, if you meant 30 divided BY HALF, it is 30/0.5=60.
However, if you meant 30 divided IN HALF, it is 30/2=15
2016-03-20 4:47 pm
2016-03-20 11:52 pm
2016-03-22 7:37 pm
We have 30/(1/2).

The top is 30 and the bottom is 1/2.

Remember that 1 can be expressed as a fraction, most commonly 1/1 or even 6/6 or 5994/5994 etc...

We can multiply 30/(1/2) by 1 since it does nothing where we express 1 as 2/2.

Multiply the top by 2 and the bottom by 2.

Top: 30 x 2 = 60
Bottom (1/2) x 2 = 1

So we now have 60/1 = 60
2016-03-21 12:03 pm
2016-03-21 10:38 am
2016-03-21 6:54 am
2016-03-21 4:10 am
2016-03-20 7:38 pm
30 divided by 1/2 is 30 x 2/1 = 60 -- answer.
2016-03-20 5:42 pm
30/0.5 = 300/5 = 60

30/(1/2) = 30*(2/1) = 60
(1/2)*30 = 15 ... 30 divided in half, or half of 30.
2016-03-20 5:34 pm
2016-03-22 5:50 pm
2016-03-21 11:58 am
60......Of course, if you meant divided IN half, it's 15
2016-03-21 11:27 am
2016-03-21 9:38 am
2016-03-21 5:44 am
2016-03-21 4:39 am
2016-03-21 2:51 am
2016-03-21 2:37 am
2016-03-20 9:01 pm
2016-03-20 7:38 pm
60 anything divided by half is just multiplying by 2
2016-03-20 6:31 pm
Diving by half is the same as multiplying by 2, so 30/(1/2) = 30 * 2 = 60. Why is this? 2/2 = 1 so 30/(1/2) * 2/2 = 60/(2/2) = 60/1 = 60, and 2 is the reciprocal of 1/2. (1/2 * 2 = 2/2 = 1)
2016-03-22 10:11 pm
30 divided by half is 30 TIMES (1/2). This is not the same as 30 divided in half or 30/2 which is 15.
=(30/1)(2/1) Whenever you are dividing a fraction, you keep the first number the same, change the operation from division to multiplication, and use the reciprocal of the last number. The reciprocal is when the numerator and denominator flip, so if you have 1/3, the reciprocal is 3/1. The next step is to multiply the numerators and denominators so 30 times 2 is 60 and 1 times 1 is one. So you get a fraction of 60/1 (60 divided by 1) as your answer which is 60.
參考: Future Math Teacher and major math person.
2016-03-23 5:24 am
2016-03-23 5:20 am
2016-03-23 3:49 am
its 60 use a calculator.
2016-03-23 3:45 am
30/2=15 or 30/.5=60
2016-03-22 11:25 pm
2016-03-22 10:02 pm
2016-03-22 9:19 pm
By half: 60
In half: 15

I answered both, because I wasn't sure if there was a typo. :)
2016-03-22 7:57 pm
Easy--- "How many 1/2's are in 30?" is what you mean the answer is 60 because there are TWO halves in each ONE --so 2 X30 =60

"One half OF 30" is "multiplying" and that is 15
2016-03-22 6:05 pm
2016-03-22 5:49 pm
In half is 15 and by half is 60.
2016-03-22 5:28 pm
2016-03-22 4:08 pm
2016-03-22 3:28 pm
2016-03-22 1:39 pm
by half - 60, divide in half - 15
2016-03-22 1:28 pm
2016-03-22 10:30 am
It is 60
2016-03-22 10:07 am
2016-03-22 9:36 am
its 60
2016-03-22 7:09 am
2016-03-22 3:34 am
2016-03-22 3:04 am
2016-03-22 2:09 am
2016-03-22 2:00 am
in half 30 /2 = 15
by half 30 / (1/2) = 60
2016-03-22 12:58 am
2016-03-21 10:12 pm
30/1 / 1/2
30/1 x 2/1 = 60

This is because you when you divide by HALF, it is basically the same as multiplying by two. (In fractions). So you keep the 30/1, and then you do the reciprocal of 1/2 which is 2/1. You then do the inverse of division, which is multiplication. Once you multiply the two fractions, you get sixty.
2016-03-21 9:05 pm
2016-03-21 8:22 pm
2016-03-21 8:01 pm
2016-03-21 6:22 pm
Dividing by 1/2 is the same as multiplying by 2. Therefore the answer is 60.
2016-03-21 5:12 pm
2016-03-24 3:39 am
Half of 30 is 15

30 as a half is 60 as two 30's go into 60.

2016-03-22 8:28 pm
I assume you mean 30 divided by half (of itself), or 15.
You cannot have a half by itself, its sort of an adjective modifying something else.
2016-03-22 1:29 pm
2016-03-21 10:33 pm
30 / 1/2 = 60
2016-03-20 11:53 pm
30 divided by 1/2 = e^(ln 30 - ln 1/2) = e^[3.401197382 - (- .693147181)] = e^(4.094344563) = 60
2016-03-20 4:48 pm
divided by 1/2 means times 2
2016-03-24 1:06 am
30 divided by 1/2 is 60
2016-03-21 2:14 pm
30 divided by half is 15. That is what 30/2 equals 15.
2017-02-26 5:36 am
in half 30 /2 = 15
by half 30 / (1/2) = 60
2016-12-26 2:56 pm
30 divided "by half. ...Find the answer for 30 divided by half of 30...Then add 10.
You don't simply find half of 30 and add 10...youre skipping a step...You divide and find the answer. Then add 10. ...Also, it doesn't say divide by one half or a half.. then add 10"
(1/2 is read as one half or a half)

30÷ half of 30=
Add 10

2016-11-10 8:25 pm
30 divided by half is 30 times (1/2)... this is not the same as 30 divided in half or 30/2 which is 15...
=(30/1)(2/1) whenever you are dividing a fraction, you keep the first number the same, change the operation from division to multiplication, and use the reciprocal of the last number... the reciprocal is when the numerator and denominator flip, so if you have 1/3, the reciprocal is 3/1... the next step is to multiply the numerators and denominators so 30 times 2 is 60 and 1 times 1 is one... so you get a fraction of 60/1 (60 divided by 1) as your answer which is 60...
2016-08-03 8:22 am
in half 30 /2 = 15
by half 30 / (1/2) = 60
2016-03-26 3:06 pm
2016-03-25 5:45 pm
2016-03-25 3:54 pm
2016-03-25 7:54 am
30/ 0.5 = 60
2016-03-25 6:07 am
30/(1/2) = 30/0.5
dividing and multiplying by 2
(2*30)/(2*0.5) = 60/1
anything (except 0) divided by 1 is the same
hence answer is 60
2016-03-25 5:00 am
2016-03-25 3:21 am
30 divided by 1/2

you need a '1' in the denominator
to do this, you multiply 1/2 by 2/1
2/2 =1

this is called the reciprocal

since you are multiplying the denominator by 2/1
you need to multiply the numerator by 2/1

this way your are actually multiplying the fraction by '1'
in the form of
[1/2] / [1/2]

gives you
30(2/1) / 1/2(2/1)

2016-03-25 1:14 am
If you divide by a half, it's the same as multiplying by 2, so the answer would be 60. Same goes for all fractions, dividing by one fifth would be the same as multiplying by 5.
2016-03-24 10:19 pm
Problem: 30 divided by half

Write out the expression: 30/(1/2)

Multiply by the reciprocal: (30/1)*(2/1)

Simply: 60-----Final Answer
2016-03-24 8:18 pm
30 divided by half is 2?
Half of 30 is 15
So 30 / 15 = 2
2016-03-24 4:44 pm
2016-03-24 3:56 pm
30 divided by 1/2
= 30 x 2/1
= 60
2016-03-24 3:37 pm
1/2 = 0.5

30 / 0.5

Multiply both sides by 10

300 / 5 = 60
2016-03-24 8:32 am
2016-03-24 5:33 am
2016-03-24 12:33 am
The answer is 2
2016-03-23 9:26 pm
30 divided by half
2016-03-23 8:53 pm
2016-03-23 4:38 pm
2016-03-23 2:47 pm
By dividing it by half you actually multiply by 2 so 30/2 is 60
2016-03-23 1:22 pm
2016-03-23 12:19 pm
30/0.5 =60
30/ 1/2 =15 :P
2016-03-23 9:44 am
"What is 30 divided by half" These words are not correct. You should say "What is 30 divided by a half"
a half = 1/2
this gives 30 / (1/2) You can invert a fraction and multiply 30 * 2/1 = 60
or you can convert 1/2 to a decimal = 0.5
then divide 30 by 0.5 = 60
2016-03-22 10:18 pm
depends on whether you mean in half or by one half.
2016-03-22 9:06 am
30/half = ...?
2016-03-22 9:33 pm
Half of 30 is 15 so 15 times 2 is 30 so the answer is 2.
2016-03-22 4:29 pm
2016-03-21 10:02 am
Pretend you're an unscrupulous bank robber. You need 10 people to pull off the robbery. 5 of which are your close friends whom you really don't want to kill. You carry out the robbery which goes flawlessly, then you get it into your head that if you killed the other five, the five that are remaining will have a greater share of the loot.

How much greater is the share of the 5 remaining robbers?

They have half the number of people to share the loot with so they have twice as much loot.

Does that help you to visualise why dividing by 1/2 is the same as multiplying by 2?
2016-03-21 3:26 am
2016-03-20 4:59 pm

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