Do you have one eye stronger than other? Do most of us?

2016-03-20 3:50 pm
Eyes?!? I don't wear glAsses.

Is it normal to have one eye slightly stronger then the other? I've never had a problem with my vision or that I've noticed. Last night I thought I would just check an eye a time from a short distance and my right eye seems slightly blurry than my left. I can still read and see things well. But left eye is stronger and clearer.

Could this be my anxiety? Or is it normal?

回答 (4)

2016-06-19 2:32 pm
參考: Improve Your Vision Fast -
2016-03-20 5:05 pm
Guess what Rebecca? You need glasses. Your test of each eye separately is a good way to check your eyesight and by finding that one eye is considerably better than the other eye clearly means that you need to get your eyes examined. When they test your eyes they will also test each eye separately much the same way as you did. So there is no doubt that weaker eye is going to need a little more prescription than your better eye is likely to need. My guess is that even though your one eye is stronger and sees better it probably also needs a little prescription as well. But even if it is just teh one eye that isn't seeing properly you're still going to be getting glasses. Does that surprise you? Are you going to be okay with wearing glasses? Just remember that glasses are actually very popular with young girls these days and most now consider their glasses as a piece of jewelry.
參考: Retired optician
2016-03-20 3:53 pm
Most people need to have different prescriptions in each eye if they need glasses or contacts
2016-03-20 3:52 pm
Its normal.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:22:41
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