Boyfriend keeps pressuring for sex?

2016-03-20 3:40 am
So I'm a virgin and I just started dating this guy about three weeks ago. He's really nice and always compliments me (tells me I'm beautiful, adorable, etc.), but last night, we were cuddling and he asked at least twenty times for sex. I was very clear that I did not want to (I didn't say maybe, or possibly, I just said no, and no means no) and he kept asking for a reason and he said that if I don't have a reason it's not valid. I found this really annoying and it kind of upset me and I just wanted to leave. I'm not sure what to do because I know days have changed and people take it all the way after just a couple dates these days, but I feel like if he actually liked me he would respect my wishes. Should I end it or what?

回答 (8)

2016-03-20 3:49 am
I'm not sure what "days have changed" have anything to do with your decision whether or not to have sex. You don't have sex just because everyone else tells you or you think everyone is doing it.

If everyone else took drugs and jump off a cliff, does that mean it's okay for you to do the same?

Your boyfriend is a childish jerk, You don't owe him a reason for your choice. No one does. You are not here for his convenience nor do you have to justify your choice regarding your body to him.

And, you are right. If he loves you, then he would respect you and that includes your wishes. Dump him and find someone worthy of you.
2016-03-20 1:47 pm
Days might have changed, but this is no reason for a guy to badger you for sex and behave like an asshole. A boyfriend needs to ACCEPT you at face value. This behavior of his is a huge red flag.

In my world, when red flags present themselves in a dating situation, i move on. There is absolutely zero reason a guy should cause you discomfort at any time.

Yes, he'd respect your wishes if he actually liked you, the person. You're not a walking vagina. But a lot of guys are selfish and don't care about a girl's feelings. They objectify females.

You deserve a gentleman. This guy is NOT a gentleman by any stretch of the imagination.

Yes end it. Unless you like the discomfort of it all. I wouldn't stand for his stuff.
2016-03-20 4:44 am
He should respect you. You've only dated him a few weeks and chances are the only reason he got with you in the first place was for sex. Give him a chance though but if he asks for sex again stick to your beliefs and say NO and if he doesn't leave it alone leave him and don't think twice about it
2016-03-20 4:02 am
If a guy even SAYS the word "sex" in the first 10 dates, then you drop him because he is not treating you respectfully.
2016-03-20 4:01 am
Yeah end it, he's supposed to respect your wishes no matter how long you guys have dated for. He's also most probably just constantly complimenting you so he can get you comfortable enough to do it, he will most probably ditch you soon after. Let him know that if that's all he wants, then it's over cuz he isn't getting it. Simple as that.
2016-03-20 3:50 am
DUMP HIM! Do not let someone like that pressure you into sex. Also, please know that guys use compliments just to get what they want.

Don't let some douche push you around like that, there are better guys out there who will respect you.
2016-03-20 3:47 am
I'm a virgin, and I don't want to rush into things either. So difficult finding the right guy. Guys can be seriously ridiculous, honestly I would just end it. If they really liked you, they would understand the FIRST time you said no with no question. Sex is a serious thing
2016-03-20 3:44 am
I would say give it more time and if he keeps pressuring you for sex then yea maybe end it because he might of only wanted sex. Hopefully this isn't the case. Good luck

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