Can I Sue a store for a hate crime?

2016-03-20 12:16 am
I was in 7 eleven today looking around and the cashier starting following me and as I started to walk back to the register the employee asked me did I steal a sandwich and I said no the he said he saw me put it in my bag and I told him no and then he asked me to open my bag and I said no. I believe because I am African American that I was treated as a thef and he stereotype because of my skin color. I have a witness to back me up alone with the cameraa i the store. Can I sue the store because it violated my rights. I already have the corporate number I will be calling Monday morning alone with my attorney

回答 (9)

2016-03-20 12:19 am
How did he violate your rights????? He asked you a question. Move on.
2016-03-20 12:20 am
In America you can sue for anything. Whether you'll be successful or be awarded damages is iffy. Since you were not arrested or damaged in anyway, nor a crime committed against you because you are African-American, all you have is hurt feelings because a cashier accused you of stealing.
2016-03-20 12:37 pm
The store didn't violate your rights. You have no case.
2016-03-20 1:16 am
There was no crime, therefore there was no hate crime.

You also have no evidence that his question was based on your race.

You're not denying that you stole a sandwich. You indicate but that you said "no."

If you already have an attorney, you should be having a chat with them.

You're welcome to take your business elsewhere. Did you steal a sandwich?
2016-03-20 12:20 am
Call and complain (you might get some free coupons), but there is minimal damage and no lawyer would take your case, because the return will be so small.
2016-03-20 12:42 am
you're just an american dear. get over yourself.
2016-03-20 5:17 pm
How is asking to see in your bag a hate crime? If you can twist it round to your point of view you can sue. But you can't. So you can't.
2016-03-20 7:28 am
They did not violate your rights. The cashier was mistaken. Are you perfect? Haven 't you ever made a mistake? If you sue, you are going to have a heck of a time proving that she accused you because of your color, especially since she only accused you.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2016-03-20 1:14 am
What you describe COULD be discrimination, but it is NOT a crime. That assumes they treated you any different than other people because of your skin color.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:21:43
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