Can I still be an aerospace engineer if I didn't take the classes like phyics in highschool?

2016-03-19 5:26 pm
I want to change my career but I'm worried about getting into college and not having everything I need from highschool. I haven't take all the math that requires.

回答 (3)

2016-03-19 10:31 pm
Most universities require both chemistry and physics in high school to admit someone into engineering school.

And if a school did admit you and you did not take these in high school, you will be adding a year (and the cost of it) to your college program.

Also your grades in chemistry and physics needs to be B or better.

Engineering study without physics is like trying to read without knowing the alphabet. I am an electronics engineer and I use both physics and chemistry quite a lot.
2016-03-19 5:37 pm
Yes. You can take physics and math at the college level once you get accepted as an aerospace engineering major. You can also take physics and math at a community college before transferring to a 4 year school to get your aerospace engineering degree.
2016-03-19 5:37 pm
You can take those courses you didn't get in high school in college. It may add one or two semesters to how long it takes you to graduate if those courses are pre-requisites for higher level, more advanced courses.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:37:54
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