Leaky gut and keratosis pilaris...?

2016-03-18 10:40 pm
How are the two connected? Why does leaky gut make keratosis pilaris worse?

回答 (4)

2016-03-21 5:03 am
KERATOSIS PILARIS; aka ‘Chicken Skin’.
Keratosis Pilaris is usually a minor deficiency of vitamin A.
Take 5,000 iu of vitamin A (pre-formed Retinol) or a tablespoon
of cod liver oil every day for 90 days.
This is common knowledge and the usual treatment in Europe.
If you are dark skinned, the cod liver oil is better as it contains vitamin D as well as A.
Most dark skinned people in the Northern latitudes are marginally vitamin D deficient,
and D and A are in sync. No improvement will be observed in less than 28 days
as this is time it takes for basal cells to reach the epidermis, the top layer of the skin.
And this needs to occur 3 times for softer skin.
SOURCES: Merck Manual (17th ed.)page 34,' Follicular Hyperkeratosis’:
Upjohn’s vitamin book.
Earl Mindell’ Vitamin Bible 97th ed) page 32-33 is good for those
without a scientific background.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition.
2016-03-18 10:56 pm
I've never hear of them being connected. Do you have anything beyond anecdotal evidence?

In keratosis pilaris, your body makes too much keratin. It forms little hard bumps, often on the upper arms and the thighs. It's less noticeable if you moisturize and don't pick at or scrub hard. It usually goes away on its own by the time you're 30 or so and is thought to be hormonally linked.

Leaky gut syndrome is a non-diagnosis for a group of intestinal complaints which some theorize is related to unusually high permeability of the intestinal tract. It doesn't cause keratin buildup.

It's entirely possible you just happen to have both, just like you could have a cold and a rash on your stomach, one having no connection to the other.
2016-03-19 2:47 am
keratosis is spots of pre-cancer. Sometimes Retin-A helps keep them in check.
2016-03-18 10:47 pm
My gut is leaking

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