Who are you voting for and why?

2016-03-18 2:22 am
I'm voting for Hilary because I think its about time a woman was in charge and she's a democrate plus she's a Scorpio like me.

回答 (14)

2016-03-18 2:23 am
2016-03-18 4:34 am
Hillary is very corrupt, worst SOS in history. Washington Post said in 2009 she is known as a poor manager. Then Benghazi in 2011, Our ambassador sent 600 messages for help, security, but was ignored and refused for months after officials cleared out due to terrorist violence, hole in CIA wall, "America's next" they said after this, Hillary sent Ambassador Stevens to Benghazi by direct order to make it permanent post EVEN though "the hole in wall", our security left, more threats to America, and violence, and 600 messages. Stevens said he was going to have to find another country to protect him!! I read she blames him for lack of security!!

Vote for a real person, not an establishment nothing changes but for the worse candidate. Trump 2016.
2016-03-18 2:24 am
A woman and a Scorpio. Damn! What better qualifications could you have to be president? ROFL
2016-03-18 2:22 am
Dont vote for her because she is a Scorpio you Tumblr idiot
2016-03-18 10:59 am
Typical democrat: Can't even SPELL democrat and doesn't care if she is a corrupt lying scumbag who took bribes to approve arms deals...AND too lazy to google it and see the facts
The important thing is "shes a woman" !!!
I feel genuinely sorry for you.

I am voting for whoever the republican nominee is,because they are far more honest and more qualified than the hildeBEAST.
2016-03-18 2:36 am
low information voter alert
2016-03-18 2:34 am
no one is nominated yet so I can't vote for any one.
2016-03-18 11:33 pm
Bernie Sanders because he will bring real change to this country
2016-03-18 4:20 pm
I would never vote for a person because of race or gender...to me a bad idea as you may not look deeper into what that person is really all about.
2016-03-18 5:38 am
Bernie Sanders.
2016-03-18 2:49 am
hillary..cuz im female and realize that not on ly is she competent and have her own nutsack..but us females make up over 50% of the population and we have yet to have even a femalle vp..but of course sexism isnt really that big a thang
2016-03-18 2:45 am
hrc's landslide gets bigger by the second
2016-03-18 2:25 am
I might vote for her, Because I would not vote for Trump, I do not mind that she is a woman, And I could not possibly care any less about her date of birth.
2016-03-18 2:22 am
im voting for hillary too

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