question about a secured credit card?

2016-03-18 1:02 am
I just got my credit card and i was wondering if i made a purchase today if i could pay it off the balance before my first bill comes. is that possible or do i have to wait for the bill? i just wanna make sure i build my credit up early.

回答 (5)

2016-03-18 4:17 am
Can you? Sure. But it does nothing to build your credit. If you pay the balance before the bill comes out, it shows as no usage so it is like you did not use credit at all. Just wait for the bill and pay it off immediately.
2016-03-18 1:13 am
You can make payments whenever you want.

But the main idea behind using credit cards is to control your cash flow, so you can pay when you have the cash to do so. Remember that you have twenty or thirty days to pay the bills after your turn-over date, and this can mean you get better use of your actual cash.
2016-03-18 6:24 pm
You can pay it off early.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2016-03-18 4:08 pm
Yes you can pay on your credit card whenever you like.
2016-03-18 1:45 pm
If you can check your balance on line, sure, you can pay it off at any time.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:20:23
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