Atheist only why is the bible so contradicting ?

2016-03-17 3:08 pm
It speaks about your brother (by faith):
"But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, 'Raca,' is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell."

Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered.

25An arrogant man stirs up strife, But he who trusts in the LORD will prosper. 26He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, But he who walks wisely will be delivered. 27He who gives to the poor will never want, But he who shuts his eyes will have many curses.…

The one who trusts in his own heart is a fool, but the one who walks in wisdom will escape.

Whoever trusts his own heart is a fool. Whoever walks in wisdom will survive.

so does that mean himself should go to hell for calling others fools .? My Friend call me Vivian said she don't want worship this God because she find people who think they're smart make a lot trouble

回答 (17)

2016-03-17 3:41 pm
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It is that way on purpose.
It is supposed to confuse and bewilder, create fear. that is the hook to catch the dupes who pay the shot for it all.
A study of religion reveals it's political and monetary reasons for existing to start with.
I can argue almost any point, from either side, using the bible as reference.
It is so it has to be "interpreted" by a preacher. God's hired middleman. God being too weak and scared to speak for itself.
Remember, religion is about money and power, same as any other dishonest political party.
It is a scam of biblical proportions.
2016-03-17 3:10 pm
because its a collaboration written by a bunch of hacks trying to write something that sounds profound and encourages a complete lack of critical analysis, while laying down rules that enforce self doubt, self disgust and basically just any other feelings that would make someone dependent by nature.
2016-03-17 3:40 pm
It isn't. Most of the people who say the Bible is contradicting don't study to see if it is right, but choose certain Scriptures and point and shout so they can walk away justified to act in a manner of wickedness and seem to themselves to be pure.
2016-03-17 3:30 pm
Whatever contradictions there are in The Bible, they are so minor, they aren't worth mentioning. In every occurrance, it either has something to with a discrepancy between numbers, or who exactly was present in some event.

Not once is there a contradiction when it comes to God, to righteousness, to morality, and to mankind's accountability to his Creator. The message is rock solid from start to finish.
2016-03-17 3:12 pm
The bible is not one work written by one person for one purpose. There are books that probably were not even intended to reference the abrahamic god.
2016-03-17 3:30 pm
Bible is basically a bunch of scraps written and re-written by many people over thousands of years. It was composed of lines of text that were lost, then found again in fragments, without context, then reinterpreted, then lost and fragmented again... Why would you expect it to be consistent? It's like you burned down a library and then tried to compose a coherent text out of the pieces of paper that survived... It's stupid.
2016-03-17 3:29 pm
"Atheist only why is the bible so contradicting ?"

Because it had nothing to do with being inspired by a universe-creating god. It was written by a bunch of hateful, misogynistic, bronze-age, Flat-Earth hash-heads who thought pi=3.0, bats are birds, rabbits chew their cud, and women could control their menstruation. Among a whole host of other moronic things which they got wrong.

Otherwise, somewhere "out there" we have this incredibly powerful, intelligent "god" creature who created the universe and all its physical laws --- yet, he gets human biology WRONG, animal zoology WRONG, basic math WRONG and planetary physical laws WRONG. What are the chances of that...
2016-03-17 3:37 pm
What is a faith??? It is only a man made up desire to want to believe the dumbest crap that only flies like!!!! Faith is only a belief without any reason, if you added a reason then you would have knowledge not a belief or a faith but an imagined god has no reason other than to make con men rich off your tithes!!!
2016-03-17 3:09 pm
Too many different authors and editors who never really coordinated their stories.
2016-03-17 3:21 pm
It's just a book. Why does it mean so much to you?
2016-03-17 3:21 pm
religions do not value consistency, logic or reason....
2016-03-17 3:18 pm
The old testament is pretty much the opposite of the new, because it's an eye for an eye, and then it's turn the other cheek. The whole point is moving forward, from a time of violence and war and struggle, towards civilization, and that's the point, but we can't stop at that level, we have to evolve and get smarter. The point is being nice, love and forgiveness, and if Christians can just focus on that part of it, and forget about all the ridiculous nonsense in the bible, then maybe the religion can survive.
2016-03-17 5:07 pm
It's written by several different dudes.
2016-03-17 4:59 pm
What a waste of time this question is. I'm an atheist: I don't believe in god and, therefore by extension, I don't take any notice of any holy book.

Why, then, would you ask for my opinion of a load of quotes from the bible???

Why is the bible so contradicting? Because it was written by naïve, uneducated ancient peoples with little or no understanding of the world around them and was then translated, misquoted and edited down the years.
2016-03-17 4:02 pm
This forum is for all faiths the bible is true and all else lies.
2016-03-17 3:52 pm
It's contradictory, because it was written by many different authors across several centuries, and only compiled later still.
2016-03-17 3:10 pm
there are contradictions, there are wicked men that changed the bible texts, there is bias, there is false traditions, there is politics. but the truth is Jesus is real, there is a God, so, the other truth is that all atheists are either liars or they are so gullible they are deceived.

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