If you are an anti-feminist, please tell me why??

2016-03-17 5:51 am

feminism, noun
the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.

THAT IS THE OFFICIAL DEFINITION. If you are an anti-feminist, you are saying that men are superior to women. Please remember, "EQUALITY TO MEN," not "SUPERIOR TO MEN," not "IGNORING MEN," but "EQUALITY TO MEN."
alright then... why are you an anti-feminist?

回答 (17)

2016-03-17 5:58 am
Don't you DARE say I am for male supremacy. I've had bones broken while defending a women's clinic against anti-abortion nuts. While YOU were making excuses for those who base their CAREERS on calling me a rapist. (Or rather, I suspect, not even out of diapers yet)

Anyhow, I don't care for such a narrow and negative definition like "anti-feminist" considering there's lots of stuff I'm FOR. But waving a dictionary at people does not overrule forty-five-plus years of feminists denying, excusing, ignoring, dismissing, or supporting misandry in their movement.

Word games just don't cut it. And "My feelings were hurt" is not an excuse for attacking half the population when you are putting yourself forward as a SPOKESMODEL FOR EQUITABLE CHANGE IN SOCIETY.

Pay the PRICE required for being taken seriously. POLICE YER FRACKIN' MOVEMENT. If you want to sit at the grownups' table, you hafta be willing to ante up.

Otherwise, go sit with the retirees at the penny slots, or go upstairs to the daycare center and hang with the other children.
2016-03-17 5:52 am
I'm anti-feminist because I'm anti-stupidity. Feminists are some of the funniest and most irrelevant human beings on the face of the earth. They get together in their cute little meetings and hold their adorable little clipboards and talk about empowerment and act "tough" for about an hour, it makes them feel important. When it's all said and done they're still just women. Which means that they are weaker than men, both physically and mentally.
2016-03-17 1:22 pm
What you just said is an example of why I'm anti-feminist.
Edit: Youse always have to keep saying the definition like you did because your behaviour doesn't link. In fact it say advocacy of womens rights so if you only focus on one and ignore the other then no that not equality. Then the fact I'm against your sexist BS you then try to claim I'm sexist because I'm against you and you have a dictionary definition. Bravo retard.
Edit: also women are already more advantaged then men under the law, court system and society so why in the **** do we need advocacy?
2016-03-17 8:09 am
"new wave", "third wave", "tsunami" - What 'eva wave of penÎs extensÎon roll out of buzz "words" to tack onto an already antiquated political movement; now THAT is anti-equality.
One cannot simply dilute the "definition" of something that identifies a CONFLICT between genders, and claim all those that oppose it are against equality.
By denying and vigoriously campaining against the misandristic history of "feminisim" is to deny a voice to the past and all those that have been changed / affected by its history.
You can not escape that "feminism" signifies a conflict (inequality) against women, by men for political and financial gain. It is a "gendered word" for that very reason as well as a political movement. History will not be erased. "WOMEN's" rights. It has ALWAYS been about women, and from a female point of view. (singular)

Most people are against gender conflict in this day and age, and are more focused on human equality and other things. To be "anti-feminist" means that folk are no longer interested in neanderthal extremes, and it has NOTHING to do with equality. Feminism failed many people.

Feminism failed. People need to move on, there really are bigger fish to fry in this world; stop trying to re-live the past over and over.
參考: #feminism_failed_me
2016-03-17 6:14 am
Yes. I'm an egalitarian who believes in gender equality. You can quote dictionary definitions all you want but the reality is feminists continually promote one-sided policies that favor women and discriminate against males. Anyone who is truly for equality must be anti-feminist.
2016-03-17 10:17 am
In case you didn't notice, the first part says "the advocacy of women's rights". This means that feminism doesn't just mean equality, and that's it. It simply means that feminism is about supporting WOMEN'S rights to be equal to those of men. It doesn't include vice versa. I'm an anti-feminist for the same reason I'm not part of the BLM. Supporting the rights of one group won't achieve equality.
2016-03-17 12:06 pm
Why am I anti-feminist?

"Feminism advocates for women's rights." Feminism also advocates for fairness and equality… but 'only' when it is women who benefit. Feminists 'never' fight for fairness and equality when men are the victims of inequality! Feminism advocates women's rights uniquely and ignores the plights of men. If feminism actually fought for the 'issues of equality' that affected either sex, the movement wouldn't be detested so much.

"If feminism is really about equality, it's not ONLY about equality!" What has feminism done regarding the inequality that exists in child abuse, parental rights, male genital mutilation, sexual assault (on males), assessing rape allegations, female-perpetrated domestic abuse and the declining male graduation ratio? Nothing! This is why I believe feminism has nothing to do with 'true' equality. This is why I am anti-feminist.

I think feminism would be more attractive if the movement actually advocated for 'equality' and didn't just advocate for MORE rights for women, but instead, compelled women & men to be better and advocate for fair & just treatment of both genders (not just women) in situations where unfairness exists. Feminism discriminates on the basis of sex! How is this not sexist?

The second definition of feminism that most feminists love to ignore is ": organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests". Feminism is a sisterhood movement that advocates, campaigns and lobbies for women's interests and advantages. It has nothing to do with equality… and it never has! https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/feminism

Feminism does not have a monopoly on the concept of 'gender equality'. There are other philosophies, ideologies and just general thoughts and beliefs that hold gender equality in high regard, namely Egalitarianism which is equally concerned about both men and women… instead of just focusing on women's issues. Egalitarianism advocates for the "equality for all (including men)".

Saying, "If you believe in gender equality, then you are a feminist" is like saying, "If you believe in God (or some higher power), then you must be Jewish."

As an anti-feminist and egalitarian, I believe in gender equality and I don't oppose women's rights! Who would ever be against women's rights? I do oppose the feminist 'equality' position that feminism puts forth because it does nothing to help men achieve equality in areas where they have none. In Feminist dogma, men and men's issues are ignored. Also, I believe equality has been attained already. I hope that someday, feminism will be replaced with an actual equality movement.
2016-03-18 9:52 am
OK... It's like this.

Let's say that the definition of "terrorist" read:

terrorist: noun / Freedom fighters intent on maintaining peace and love in the world.

...Yet you saw terrorsist carrying out murders & atrocious acts on a constant and routine basis.

Would you still cling to that definition?

...Or would you have to re-calibrate based on the ACTIONS of the defined group?

Look, first wave feminists fit the "textbook" definition of "feminism" ...however, some time in the late 70's /a early 80's... the radicals took over the movement...

& it turned into an anti-male "Patriarchy demonizing" & foul place.

Read up on feminists like Mary Daly & read about her prescriptions for "male genocide" ...and then realize that she was supported by her fellow "moderate" feminists & has hailed as a "hero" by groups like N.O.W. and countless leading feminists.

Others like Andrea Dworkin, Germaine Greer, Katherine MacKinnon, & other radicals... were also welcomed and renounded by the mainstream feminists & were never taken to task for their anti-male sexism and bigotry.

Then if you look at the whole "Down with the Patriarchy" idea hoisted fourth by feminism, which basically rails against "male power"

...which begs the question... if feminists truly feel that a person's gender shouldn't matter & that everyone should be treated "equally" ...then why does the male gender matter if they happen to have a position of power?

Why must they cast dispersions of people because of their gender?

Read works and watch videos by Christina Hoff Summers and Karen Straughan and look at "womenagainstfeminism.com"

Why would so many women be against modern feminism if it's just about "equality for women?"

Do some research here.
2016-03-20 12:37 am
Because feminists hate men that's why. And noone in the real world gives a f**k about what dictionarys say.
2016-03-18 5:22 pm
i love women. i love my wife, my mom, my sister, my niece. i believe in equality of rights.

but take a look at this: one time, one of the directors in my office got extremely mad simply because the party host had called the officers "who happened to be mostly men" to draw the raffle lots. she is mad because the host forgot to call her "and she's an officer too!". she's an active feminist who works hard and leaves her husband at home to take care of the kids and the house. that was then years ago and until now, she always make it a point that she's a strong entitled woman that deserves every inch of respect and acknowledgement.

i love my wife and i respect her and acknowledge her. she's a loving, working supportive wife who cooks sometimes, shops always and fixes stuffs in the house. but she's not a feminist.

now if feminism is like "the boss" i mentioned, then i guess i am anti-feminism.

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