Are you against or for public breastfeeding?

2016-03-17 3:09 am

回答 (26)

2016-03-17 3:23 am
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If it can be done privately great, if not , a well placed towel should keep anyone from being offended. It is a lot less offensive that a lot of behaviors that I see in public.
2016-03-17 8:05 pm
That is like asking: Are you for or against public food courts in malls?

Of course, I am for a woman feeding her baby wherever she chooses, covered or not. Because after all, you see more boob from a Victoria Secret ad than a uncovered breastfeeding mom. It isn't unsanitary. It is gross. It won't scare your kids. It IS natural. I don't expect a mom to cover her baby's head to eat. How would you like to eat with a blanket over your head?
2016-03-21 2:13 am
Before I became pregnant and had a little one of my own I always wondered why women didn't wear nursing covers 100% of the time. Well my apologies- because now I understand. Between hormones that make you hot and a moving baby that's also usually pretty hot it's impossible sometimes. Breastfeeding isn't easy either. The baby doesn't always magically latch on sometimes you have to manhandle the boob and the baby pops off and on- it can be quite a process that'll make you sweat without a cover. Trust me- as a breastfeeding mom I don't want you do see my squirty boobs just as much as you don't want to see my squirty boobs... the feeling is mutual- with that said... at the end of the day it isn't about you or me... It's about the child. I'm sure you don't want to listen to a crying baby. As for bottles- pumps don't work for everyone and some babies don't take bottles well. Also that can mess up moms milk supply. Just other points. Don't like it? Don't look :-)
參考: Personal experience.
2016-03-17 4:01 am
I'm for babies being fed, whatever and whenever they happen to get hungry, and however mothers are able to feed them.
2016-03-18 7:06 pm
You should NEVER feel or be made to feel ashamed of breastfeeding in public. Why is it ok to see woman's boobs because they are wearing a revealing top but not when a mother is feeding her baby? This has never made sense to me! So many double standards, "sexy" boobs showing are ok but when it is to feed your baby suddenly boobs are gross.
2016-03-17 3:10 am
If women can walk around half naked, why can't women breastfeed in public?
2016-03-17 3:50 am
For, that's the way for a baby to eat and no one should be against someone just trying to feed their baby.
2016-03-17 3:14 am
For, definitely. Some people are against it but personally I think there's no harm in feeding an infant.
2016-03-17 4:58 am
For, certainly. I'm not even a woman and this is common sense.
2016-03-17 3:22 am
Nope. But then again, I'm a nudist enthusiast and believe that clothes should be optional, so perhaps my answer is biased. :/
2016-03-17 3:14 am
Doesn't bother me because it's non of my business..
2016-03-17 3:11 am
For. This shouldn't even be a question.
2016-03-17 3:22 am
For, but only if she brings enough for everyone.
2016-03-17 7:21 pm
For It is a natural happening but I don't like to see it I can guess what is going on under a blanket But I don't need to see a breast.
2016-03-17 1:57 pm
I am for breastfeeding wherever you may need to do so. Choosing to cover up is a perdonal choice. However i think women should use common sense when deciding where to take Baby when its obvious they will likely need to nurse.

For example, a business meeting is not the right place to bring a nursing baby. A final exam, a fancy restaurant, etc. are not really places you should take a nursing infant and expect zero clashing on the act of nursing him or her.

There are places where an infant wouldnt be welcomed. Take that into account when you plan on going and dont turn around and complain when you are asked to leave. I think women who purposefully go out if their way to nurse in a place where its obviously not child friendly are trying to stir up trouble and dont actually give the cause a good name. Rather, i think they hinder it.
2016-03-20 8:26 am
It's one of the most natural things in life. If your babies screaming and you're in the super market or at the mall you can't just make your baby wait to eat.
My bubs due in December and I am going to feed her/him where ever I please, if people have a problem they can keep on walking, I am not going to make my child wait to eat especially if they are screaming.
2016-03-19 1:11 pm
Feed baby where ever and when ever
2016-03-18 11:37 am
Everything should have its limits. As much as possible if it can be done discretely then it would be better to avoid negative comments. However breastfeeding is a natural process but at the end of the day its just all about respect. Respect if the others think that the place is not appropriate for nursing a child.
2016-03-18 10:00 am

Statistics show the average man spends 82% of his day outdoors and the average woman, pregnant or not, spends about 76.9% of her day outdoors. Do we need to risk that amount of a day of an infant not being fed?

I didn t think so.
參考: Being smart.
2016-03-17 1:03 pm
For ofcourse
Everybody knows whats going on.
Since when do we punish people for doing the most down to earth thing there is to do. Its not obcene like pooping in the streets, its not PG like sex in Walmart, its not even adults only like smoking, drinking liquer or injecting harddrugs. Its just feeding a little baby.

Im sure mothers wouldnt mind even for men to stare at their boobs if they could only manage not to comment.

I mean, whats the crime here..........?
2016-03-23 8:15 pm
The fact that this is even a thing in our country is so upsetting. I'm for it, there is no reason someone should have to sit in a bathroom or in their hot car to feed their child. We see worse things on a daily basis that's become the "norm" but our society can't even handle someone feeding a child. Ridiculous.
2016-03-20 8:09 am
Lots have seen my breast. Done it many times
2016-03-17 2:54 pm
2016-03-19 5:00 pm
I am, if the woman doesn't care, if we can watch.
2016-03-17 4:48 am
2016-03-17 3:11 am
Against because of the world we live in. Also isn't it really simple these days to find some privacy, if there was no where to go and you were stuck in public I could understand that.

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