I'm going mad but no one will help?

2016-03-16 11:47 pm
I have asked my parents for help but they don't believe me or at least until the police came one time and they thought it was me. This time it wasn't but splints then it's like they've gone back to their ways of not caring.
I've had nights when I've stayed up till early morning hours and not needed sleep. I've scratched my arm and hit my head on walls while crying for help.
I can't talk to anyone as they don't take me seriously and i no longer feel worth their time. 16F

回答 (2)

2016-03-17 1:48 am
If youre a teen, remember that the teen years are the absolute worst time of life. I am surprised any of us survive it. You are struggling with so much stress, pressures, changes... Your body and mind are trying to cope but ... its hard, dealing with unpredictable hormones and roller coaster emotions.

The brain is a very complicated and delicate thing. It can get messed up and be unable to produce sufficient serotonin. This is called a chemical imbalance ... which is easily treated, very common and nothing to be ashamed of.

It can cause depression, anxiety, panic, obsession, self harm/self hatred, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, sleeping problems, aggression/rage, anger, phobias, fears, helplessness, hopelessness, hypochondria, OCD, paranoia, headaches, lack of interest in things, lack of motivation/focus... .

According to those who have gone to therapists, counselors and psychiatrists, they dont help much. Worse, they are not even allowed to prescribe appropriate meds to help you get better.

Tell a dr. about your symptoms and ask for anti-depressants. Zoloft/Sertraline is a good one; most people thrive on it and it has no side effects. It produces more serotonin which enables the brain to function properly.

With the right antidepressants, you will be much better, happier, calmer, confident, relaxed and normal. What a difference it makes!! You need them, so stay ON them.

Then, find big HAPPY churches, attend some youth groups there and have fun. Talk with the pastor/minister or the youth pastor/leader. They have more wisdom than you and I. And where else can you get FREE counseling?

Troubled people need peace; a good pastor can show you how to have perfect peace. God loves you more than you can possibly imagine :)
2016-03-16 11:49 pm

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