Can people really trust trump to make the right choice especially if he has more mood swings that a bipolar girl on her period??

2016-03-16 10:20 pm

回答 (6)

2016-03-17 12:53 am
Trump is evil and all, but chill with the misogyny and ableism, bro. Bipolar "mood swings" don't even work that way anyway.
2016-03-17 12:08 am
Ha ha, good one. I thought he was hot stuff for about the first week of his candidacy, then he kept on talking and talking and getting meaner.

Now he resembles Benito Mussolini in his mannerisms and speech.
2016-03-17 12:16 am
Very droll. Look up Borderline Personality Disorder.
No politician can be trusted to make the correct choices all of the time.
2016-03-18 3:11 am
You have incorrect information. He is quite stable and rational. It is Hillary you should be wary of. She is a sick puppy. Has a brain disorder.
2016-03-16 10:55 pm
trump wants to bang his daughter while shooting people on 5th avenue NY a recent film has emerged that proves trump has AIDS he caught it off harry potter star Daniel Radcliff
2016-03-16 10:22 pm
It seems like you have your mind set by asking this question, and want people to confirm your opinion. but in his defense he deals with real estate in manhattan, and is a self made billionaire. you only get there by being cool headed and making smart decisions. but its an election so you vote by what your gut tells you.

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