Ok so if trump does become the new president with his new position what kind of power will he acually have!?

2016-03-16 10:04 pm
I mean what's the worst he could acually do and what's the best that could come out of this? Because no matter how you see it he doesn't seem like he knows any facts about anything and he never answers any questions with an actual answer.
Ok let's say he decided to go to war at any moment I would imagine there are many things that would have to happen before there is any action right?

回答 (9)

2016-03-16 11:19 pm
Obama's presidency should give you a pretty good idea of just how much the president can get done - even when facing the most hostile, uncooperative congress and senate in history.

So while Trump couldn't go declaring war against countries willy-nilly, he CAN still order "military actions" as long as none of them last longer than 60 days (and even that can be fudged -- look at the Vietnam "War" for instance...)

Trump would be expected to represent the US in meetings with foreign officials, as well as at international summits on trade, commerce, and other large issues.

And these aren't even the worst case scenarios!

What if, by some fluke, he manages to garner the support of the majority of the congress and the senate? Now he'd be in position to really do anything he wanted just about, and the house would go right along with it.
2016-03-16 10:13 pm
He wouldn't have any real power but he'd probably veto everything just to be a trump.. er, I mean a prick. His main role would be the FACE OF THE NATION!! He goes overseas and talks to all the other countries. He goes around the country giving speeches.. This is supposed to be a position held by a likeable person. Not some idiot who offends everyone.
2016-03-16 10:13 pm
well don't forget that the presidency is the single most powerful position in the country, one person has basically 25% of federal government power, not to mention executive orders. The president is the ambassador of the American people, he or she is the face of our country, they are the Tom Brady of the NFL. First of all although the president can't declare war, he can send troops to other countries (like we did in Korea and Vietnam). He has the ability to launch Nuclear warheads anytime, anyplace. He can also issue some other rather large executive orders. and that's when he doesn't have gov. support. If he does have an idiotic congress and supreme court, he can basically do anything the heart desires. And remember Cruz is a senator, Bush, Huckabee, Scott Walker, Rand Paul, Rubio etc all ran for president and have are members of the government. scary
2016-03-16 10:06 pm
I think he is crazy... he has been bankrupt many times so what do you think he will do with Americas money, there are so many things that I dislike, most people like that he will stop immigrates from coming in and that's it
2016-03-17 8:33 am
Sounds like you may want to prepack your bags, when he wins you can leave America in a hurry
2016-03-17 6:04 am
Trump is nuts. If elected his madness will become obvious. There are procedures within the federal government to deal with a president who has gone mad. That's not to say that his vice president won't be a loon, but Trump at least won't be pushing any buttons. Worst case there could be a military coup d'état until all this sorts out. You couldn't write a book with a plot better than this.
2016-03-17 12:10 am
Substitute "Trump" with "Obama" and say it again. Scared yet?
2016-03-16 11:16 pm
No one knows these things until someone is in office. The worst is a matter of opinion. If you think building a border wall is the worst, or getting American companies to hire people in the U.S.

Trump is not a war hawk like Hillary because he does not want to see kids die for another country and because he doesnt owe Wall St anything like Hillary. Wall St controls the wars.
2016-03-16 10:44 pm
He can't go to war without congressional approval, and do you really think that NATO allies in Europe would allow him to use bases in their countries to start a war and drag them into it? The US military has personnel in Europe for mutual defence. Not to allow a lunatic president like Trump to start WW3.

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