How to stop feeling so socially shy and awkward?

2016-03-16 8:22 pm
I was wondering if anyone has any tips for overcoming extreme shyness and socially awkwardness.

I can t stop feeling so shut off and nervous around people (especially people I don t know, but even around my friends at times which doesn t make sense at all).

I am naturally an anxious person, and tend to overreact to certain situations (eg I used to have panic attacks about things like exams and doing oral presentations at school and university, and I m also a bit of a hypochondriac) and I feel this anxiousness works its way into everything I do at times when I m around others.
Sometimes I ll have days where I feel quite confident and can talk to people reasonably comfortably but there s no consistency - the next day I can be back to square one and feel like an idiot whenever I mess up saying something or mumble my words.

I recently started a job in sales (9 months ago) where I have to socially interact with the general public on a daily basis, and I assumed this would dramatically increase my confidence but it hasn t really helped. At times I feel just as bad as ever.

Part of my problem is paranoia about what people think of me - thinking others are talking negatively about me or just assume I m weird because I can t hold a normal conversation, and I can t help avoid long silences because I can t think of anything to say.

Sorry for the long-winded question. If it s any help, I m a 22 year old male, and also part-time student.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

回答 (9)

2016-03-16 8:27 pm
You need to get out of your comfort zone and talk to people more. Stop caring about what people think and accept the fact that some people will like you and others won't. If you can't fix it on your own then maybe consider getting professional help.
2016-03-16 9:07 pm
There are good books out there about improving self-esteem and self-confidence. Go to an online bookstore and get a couple with high reader ratings.
2016-03-16 8:52 pm
VOLUNTEER in your community
2016-03-16 8:45 pm
I can relate to this alot. One thing I do which helps with my speaking confidence is when I read a book at home, I pretend I am reading it aloud to a crowd or something, you dont actually have to speak out loud you can just mouth the words but I think it helps with my confidence. Also in some situations I just think 'how would I act if I was a confident person' and do it, most of the time people are more worried about themselves.
2016-03-16 8:26 pm
Sorry to tell you. There is no easy way. The only way to overcome social anxiety is to face it. So you need to talk to people. The first time will go horribly. the second time extremely bad. the third time a little bad. the fourth time: not so bad. the fifth will be good. Think of it as learning to drive a bike when you were little. You fall many many times but you got the hang of it.
2016-03-16 8:24 pm
Take a course in public speaking.
2016-03-16 8:24 pm
The first thing you gotta realize is that no one is nearly as critical as you or other introverts are.
People **** up all the time, no one really cares if you say something wrong, or seem a little off, we aren't in high school anymore, lol.
That, and practice makes perfect
2016-06-22 7:36 pm
40000 Cured Social Anxiety :
2016-03-16 11:20 pm
Go to your Library,and get the book "How To Win Friends, and Influence People"
and "How to Motivate Yourself, and Others"
and you will discover, they most all feel the same way, but just pretend not to.
Every Girl Going into a Dance says to herself " I hope no-one is wearing the same dress"
every girl that went in the room, had the exact same thought
if it were you, you could just pretend you didn't notice, or it didn't matter, meeting the person was the most important thing, finding out about people, ask questions, who's your favourite?
Wjhat is Your Favorite? What Movies have you seen lately?
People love to talk about themselves, ask Questions, if in school, ask for help, even if you don't need it, they will appreciate that you thought they could help you!
Good Luck, You Are going to do Great!
just Smile, it is always a warm welcome to anyone looking at you. and a guy, just touch his hand. and he's yours, if you like a guy, ask him to help you with school work, at your house, and make something nice for him to eat, and drink, and he's Yours!

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