Why do women ask so many questions?

2016-03-16 6:01 am
Every time I tell my wife something she wants to know why I said it and where I have been

回答 (6)

2016-03-16 4:30 pm
Because they are intelligent and inquisitive. Only a moron trusts without asking questions.
2016-03-16 1:32 pm
She is insecure.
2016-03-16 9:50 am
Women are more detailed than men. Them wanting to know every little detail. It is a way of caring, and wanting to know more about you. They want to understand all of your thoughts and feelings, to connect with you emotionally and intellectually in every way possible.
2016-03-16 7:18 am
As you know men and women interpret things differently so we ask for clarity...... we want to confirm what we're thinking is what you've said.
2016-03-16 6:10 am
Bc want to fe familiar with.
2016-03-16 6:05 am
Beats me. I've got the same problem. After 17 years, I'm slowly getting her to back off. Hang in there.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:20:17
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