How often do i feed my baby guinea pig?

2016-03-15 10:22 pm
He's small, he is 5 months old, every morning and night i fill up his bowl with Timothy hay because thats all he'll eat! but i fell like thats not enough because when i get home from school i take him out of my cage and he's squeaking and biting my finger tips so im wondering if he's hungry, so I usually feed him as well when i get home because he acts like he's starving! So how often do i feed him? Im new at this

回答 (6)

2016-03-16 1:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
He needs to have 24/7 access to hay. He should never run out of it. Hay aids in digestion and helps keep the teeth filed down, without it you can expect eventual health issues.

He should also be eating 1/4-1/2 cup of a good quality pellet food daily. It varies by pig, some eat more and some eat less. It should be plain pellet, no seeds or "fun" things mixed in. It should also have added vitamin C. Oxbow is a good brand for all of this. If you don't want to feed pellets then do some serious research into diet and nutrition, it is possible to forgo the pellets if you know what fruit/veg to feed.

He should be getting at least 1 cup of veggies every day. Mostly greens like lettuce (red/green leaf), but also bell pepper, carrot, etc. There are lists, if you use google, of what they can and cannot have and how often to feed certain things.

You should also be supplementing him with vitamin c - guinea pigs cannot produce it on their own. Without it, they wind up with scurvy. If you choose the right food and feed the right vegetables then the supplement isn't REQUIRED, but please research diet so you know the pig is getting the vitamin c it needs.

I also have to point out that guinea pigs are social herd animals - you should have more than one. Humans cannot provide for all socialization needs, and we're honestly not with them long/often enough. I also hope that your current pig is not in a store-bought cage: most are WAAAAY too small. One male should have at least 8 square feet of space, and if you get a second you're looking at needing 10+ square feet.

Please, research - should have been done before you got him! Good luck!
2016-03-16 1:37 am
24/7 access to fresh hay. 200-300 grams of fresh vegetables. Cucumber, carrot (with the green still attached if possible), Broccoli, peeled celery, Zucchini. Avoid onions, garlic, ect. See how much your guinea pig eats and adjust the amount from there. Guinea pigs should eat all the veggies before the next feeding, otherwise your feeding to much.
You can also offer a little fruit, apple, strawberries, and watermelon as a treat.
Only pregnant guinea pigs or one's with babies require additional pet shop food. If your piggie has access to hay and you feed enough veggies you do not have to feed additional pellets.
My piggies got 150 grams of veggies (per pig) in the morning and the other 150 grams in the afternoon. Do not feed fresh veggies only once a day. If you feed fresh vegetables after the piggies have been eating only dry hay for 23 hours it may get diarrhea.
Guinea Pigs hate being handled (no such thing as a tame Guinea pig, only a terrified one) and you should never ever keep only one. Please get this one neutered if it is a male and get him a female partner. If it is a female, get another female or neutered male. They get extremely lonely. They are group animals and it is abuse to keep them on their own.
2016-03-15 10:42 pm
The squeaking and biting could be fear..not hunger. In the case it is hunger timothy hay should be his main staple. You can supplement with vegetables like cucumbers or carrots (not all vegetables are safe,look online for what ones they can eat) and also provide pellets. Make sure he always has access to fresh clean water as well.
2016-03-15 11:55 pm
2016-03-15 10:30 pm
Every minute
2016-03-15 10:29 pm
I think he needs some .other food as well as hay ask at pet store

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