Has Donald Trump brought politics into the general people's popular spectrum, or is it just a fad?

2016-03-15 9:00 pm
I've never seen people talk about politics the way they do regarding Donald Trump in mainstream settings before. It's as if his ideology comes as unorthodox, which it isn't, and it amuses the people.

回答 (2)

2016-03-15 9:28 pm
no way a fad,

it's a historical repeat :

the politically failed establishment, in this case the center-left and center- right in the US and Euro,

has caused the rise of the populists and nationalists.

dt doesnt have an ideology, he's basically apolitical;

he has a tactic: demagogery;

plus, he applied that to a problem a large majority of voters have been angry abt for decades :

illegal aliens.

the failed establishment, Dems & Gop, have ignored and worsened that prob for many yrs.

So now the gop's fighting a losing battle for its life,

and hillary has had some shocks from anti establishment Sanders.

exactly the same thing in Euro, Open Borders champion Angela Merkel in Germany was just dealt a strong defeat by the upstart AdF party, described both as populist and nationalist, that's strongly anti-immigrant.


http://tinyurl.com/gnewrot . Yahoo.com oct 2015
Robert Reich, former Clinton cabinet member, author & analyst says Trump & Sanders have
“unleashed a populist movement that
“could gain enough momentum to overturn the political establishment :
“these populist forces are unmistakable and
“bear a very strong resemblance to what we’ve seen historically
as countervailing power grew strong enough to force major political change.”
Most political analysts continue to be caught off guard by this populist upsurge bc
“they’r always looking in the rear-view mirror…”
"...the tipping point [when populist power displaces establishment power] comes very quickly.”

http://tinyurl.com/hnyjttn WashPost mar 13 2016
Voters’ Message to Merkel: No more migrants
The upstart, populist party, the Alternative for Germany (AfD), scored big gains against chancellor Angela Merkel’s party in the March 13, 2016 elections.
AfD campaigned on an anti-migrant, anti-Merkel platform, and it drew support from the left as well.
“The nationalist, anti-migration Alternative for Germany party, AfD, powered into three state legislatures Sunday [Mar 13, 2016] after campaigning against Merkel's welcome for a huge influx of migrants last year.”

http://tinyurl.com/zof25jq WashPost mar 2016
“Merkel’s poll numbers have fallen sharply since the refugee crisis…

2016-03-15 10:09 pm
He has opened peoples eyes to how Washington really works, how corrupt it is, and Hillary has benefitted from it.

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