Bleeding during sex!! After Seven Times?

2016-03-15 8:30 pm
I lost my virginity with my boyfriend. I bleed every time since. I bleed the first time which is normal. But now is like 6-7 times we had sex but I still bleed and feel some pain the first minute of the penetration but then it pass a little bit but still it is hurting a little. Sex is not that enjoyable since I feel pain. And I a very wet and everything is good. But I dont know why that happens.. I never had vzginal orgasm even though he is lasting for 40 minutes!!
Why should I do? And what is the problem?

回答 (3)

2016-03-15 9:08 pm
Sex will only hurt if:

1) You are not relaxed enough.
2) You are not lubricated enough.
3) You are not aroused enough.
4) You have a condition, such as endometriosis, causing the pain.

If you don't have one of those things, pain and bleeding is common, whether it is your first or 101st time. There is scientific research to suggest that true vaginal orgasms don't exist. You likely need more clitoral stimulation. If he is lasting 40 minutes, it might be that you guys are not working together on a sexual level.
2016-03-15 9:15 pm
Lara- has the Right Answer

make sure you are spending enough Time in foreplay so your body is ready for sex
Females >Need> More> Time> and Stimulation to be ready for sex than males

suggest you read these on Painful Sex and Bleeding
2016-03-15 8:40 pm
maybe he's too big for you

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