If i join the army national guard do i get to pick the college of my choice?

2016-03-15 4:18 pm
The military pays for your college. But i want to go to johnson & wales for culinary. (Thats not the only reason why im considering the military so I don't need a lecture, thank you)

回答 (4)

2016-03-15 4:22 pm
As long as the college is accredited and on the list of schools covered by the National Guard, you can go to any school you want to as long as you meet the school's minimum requirements for enrollment. Keep in mind that the National Guard has a limit to what they will pay, so if your school's tuition is higher than what the Guard will pay for, you are paying for the rest out of pocket.
2016-03-15 7:00 pm
no, you have to go to state schools in your state
2016-03-15 5:34 pm
You can use your education benefits at any accredited school
2016-03-15 4:29 pm
the military DOES NOT pay for your college. while there are resources, Tuition assistance, and the GI Bill, not all schools are eligible to receive funds from these programs.

MOST NG TA is limited to state run public schools for the whole 'we pay all your tuition and fees' option.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:20:50
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