
2016-03-15 5:54 am

回答 (10)

2016-03-15 5:51 pm

The aforementioned document will be furnished (for your review) by (the end of) tomorrow.
We appreciate your feedback in advance and thank you for your patience.

2016-03-15 6:40 am

For the concerned document above, we will submit tomorrow.
Sorry for the inconvenience might bring.

謹 供參考, 謝謝!

...( =';'= )
.(.|.|..|.|.I..) ღ(。◕‿◠。)ღ...
2016-03-17 8:32 pm
Reference the aforesaid and (related) document will be submitted to you

for your perusal (act of reading carefully) tomorrow.

We express regret at not being able to send earlier.
2016-03-17 1:17 pm
On file, we will be submitted tomorrow, sorry!
2016-03-17 2:20 am
The above document will be ready by tomorrow, thank you for your patience.
2016-03-16 3:05 am
We will send the document to you tomorrow
2016-03-16 12:27 am
In regards to that document, we are deeply sorry to send to you till tomorrow.
2016-03-15 7:04 am
We will submit the above mentioned document tomorrow.
We accept our apologies.[或We apologize for the delay.]

2016-03-15 6:10 am
2016-03-27 8:44 am
I am so sorry.

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