What does it mean to say a wound was oriented in "10 'til 4 o'clock position" ?

2016-03-15 2:08 am
a medical report says that a person was stabbed in his left abdomen and the wound was oriented in "10 'til 4 o'clock position" and directed slightly to the right. How is this possible? If the wound is at the 10 'til 4 o'clock position and the upper end of the wound is on the left, then the lower end of the wound should be further to the left, right? Or have I misunderstood the meaning of "10 'til 4 o'clock position" ? Thanks in advance

回答 (3)

2016-03-15 2:24 am
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I never got much wound experience in nursing school but I think you might be overthinking it but someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

When they say the wound was oriented in the 10 'to 4 o'clock position then I believe they are saying how the wound appears from the surface. So, draw an imagery clock around the wound in your mind and the way the projectile entered made the wound from each edge to make it appear in the 10 'to 4 o'clock position.

Also, it's kind of hard to picture it in your mind alone sometimes but grab a doll or something and think of an imagery wound on it and think of it appearing in the terms of a 10 'til 4 o'clock position. So, if the upper wound is pointing towards the 10 o'clock position then the 4 o'clock position would go more towards the left side of the abdomen.

EDIT: Also, don't get your left and rights confused as it can easily happen. Remember when examining the patient if the wound is in the 10 'til 4 o'clock position then the 10 'o clock position is more towards the right or midline of the patient depending on where the the wound is and the 4 o'clock position will be more towards the left or lateral side of the patient. So, don't go from your perspective, go from the patients. Ex: So if you need to perform surgery on the patients left arm don't just assume its your left because if you do you'll have one unhappy patient.
2016-03-15 5:06 am
10 to 4 describes the orientation of the skin wound, with the direction indicating which way the penetration went.

To replicated this wound, you would point the knife partly to the patient's right. Then you would rotate the blade so that it pointed to 10 and 4. Then you would move the blade in the direction it is pointing.

Remember that directions are given relative to the patient's perspective (even if the patient is dead), so imagine the clock facing the patient, not you, and "to the right" would actually be to your left if you're facing the patient from the front.
2016-03-15 2:57 am
consider the 10 to four oclock stab wound as a line pointing upward towards the right arm and downwards towards the right leg as a way of using a clocks face to describe the orientation of the wound

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