Is any religion better than any other religion? Is Islam any better or worse than Christianity? Is one any more true than the other?

2016-03-14 10:48 pm

回答 (9)

2016-03-15 12:09 am
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No. Religion is all about culture and indoctrination. Bluebird has just proven that point. The Bible says one thing, obviously the Quran says another. Bluebird has an opinion and Muslims have their own opinion.
2016-03-14 11:46 pm
Thats like saying "is any language better than any other language? Is French any better or worse than English? Is one any more "truer" than the other?

Religion is an expression and metaphor for that which has no language. Hence why to the ignorant it's gibberish, it fascinates some and draws reactions from others.

It's not the fault of the religion or language that people are what they are. But there re fr more people who draw good from it than any bad. Hence why all religions are seen as positives in law.
2016-03-14 11:13 pm
Religions are different cultural flavors of the same basic message: Love yourself unconditionally. Love other people unconditionally.
2016-03-15 5:07 am
Very much so. According to the Pew Polling Research, there are 60,000+ religions in the USA alone, who claim to be Christian. The Bible says about this matter at Ephesians 4:5 there are, "one Lord, ONE FAITH, one baptism....One God over all." Note: SINGLE QUANTITIES of each.

Only the one, single religion strictly obeying the Bible standards for the one true religion will have Almighty God's favor and support.

For example: John 13:34-35 Jesus COMMANDS his true followers, which would identify them TODAY. "If you have Love among themselves." In this type of Love, it means never doing anything that would bring harm to any spiritual brother or sister. That means taking no part in any wars, racism, nationalism nor tribalism.

This alone eliminates all 60,000 down to The One Single True Religion. Only a handful refuse to be involved in wars or encouraging members to join up as soldiers or as chaplains. Blessing both troops and weapons on BOTH SIDES. Assuring that, "God is on their sides." On both sides.

F not wars, then they do practice racism and/or nationalism. All of which harms or kills others.

1st Timothy 2:4 is clear what the Will of God is. To come to an "ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE of Bible Truths.
2016-03-15 1:44 am
some are false religions and one is the truth.
So if you would have listened to Noah, and helped him build the boat you would be saved.
While most people were so violent God felt the only way to make things better was to kill everyone.
2016-03-14 11:31 pm
Those who are serious about religion should think that the one they’ve chosen is acceptable to God and Jesus. Otherwise, why would they be involved in it?

Jesus Christ didn’t agree with the view that there are many religions, many roads, all leading to salvation. Rather, he said: “Narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.” (Matthew 7:14) Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that they’ve found that road. Otherwise, they’d look for another religion.
參考: Bible /
2016-03-14 11:14 pm
Some religions are far more destructive than others. Equating Jainism or Buddhism to Christianity and Islam is completely ridiculous.

Both Christianity and Islam, when given power, are equally destructive. We are very fortunate in the west that secularism has diminished the power of Christianity. Secularism was also on the rise in Muslim lands decades ago, before western imperialist governmemts began providing arms and funds to islamist groups to destabilize the countries so that they could put leaders in power who would cowtow to American oil interests. If Saudi Arabia was funneling billions of dollars in weapons and cash to western Christian fundamentalists, we'd all be living in a crazy, violent hellhole too.
2016-03-14 10:58 pm
They are both equally as true and both do such massive harm that it is impossible to quantify. Simply telling a would be biologist that evolution is a lie can alter the course of history if they would've cured cancer. Forbidding condoms, banning stem cell research, sabotaging sex ed, banning planned pregnancies where the children grow up with nearly no chance of not being a criminal, beheadings, it is epidemic...

There is always going to be an avoidable price to pay for operating as if a lie were true. I would pick jainism for least harm, but even that causes malnutrition and sometimes poverty for peoples children.
2016-03-14 11:12 pm
99% of all religions = Babylon the great--false religions--so how does one choose? By finding the single one( 1Cor 1:10) that actually teaches what Jesus taught--I found them--The Jehovah witness

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