Younger men hit on my wife? Should I be worried?

2016-03-14 8:25 pm
Me and my wife have been married for 24 years. We live in CaliforniaWe have 5 children the oldest is 23. Anyways my wife has always been gorgeous and she still is today even though were both 46. She has NO wrinkles.... I don't know how...and she has a perfect body she looks in her late 20's....she always tells me about how she gets hit on etc.....I have lost my looks however.... But we still have sex a lot......but I'm wondering has she or will she cheat on me? Guys stare at her...she turns heads and gets hit on by guys in college! I'm serious....! Should I be worried she will cheat?

回答 (12)

2016-03-14 8:57 pm
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Don't worry about it. Relationships are the daily promise to be together. All you can do is hold up your end and try to be the man she loves. Women in love do not cheat.
2016-03-14 8:30 pm
well, if you know your wife loves you then probably not! but I would just make sure nothing is happening between them! you've been married for 24 years so she probably cares to much to do that to you! if she sends signals to other guys like there doing to her just talk to her but the best thing is not to get jealous or cause arguments with her!
2016-03-14 8:33 pm
I'm 50 and I don't have any wrinkles either; it's called taking care of yourself. And you could take much better care of yourself by not allowing your insecurities to creep into your marriage and make you crazy. I get hit on too but I don't tell my husband all the time because a) I'm married so I don't care what other men think of me, and b) I wouldn't want my husband to think exactly what you're thinking.
So I think your wife is either trying to tell you to pay more attention to her or she's enjoying the attention and likes to provoke you. If you think it's the latter and you don't appreciate the games, tell her to cut it out.
2016-03-14 8:57 pm
Odd that you'd stay married to someone you don't trust, and think has or will cheat on you. You need to talk to her about this issue. Her being nice looking has zero to do with whether or not she'll cheat, but your lack of trust in her indicates your relationship is failing miserably.
2016-03-14 8:37 pm
Unless you go out of your way searching for things to worry about, this should NOT be of any concern. Why create a problem where none should exist?
2016-03-14 8:53 pm
"she tells you" - umm hmm
2016-03-15 4:46 pm
You ve been married for 24 years, and you rer still bothered by other men hitting on you wife? Most women enjoy being flirted with or hit on, as long as it isn t creepy. Just go with it. Certainly don t behave jealously, as that would be a big turn-off. Your sex life might get even better if you allow her to fantasize.
2016-03-14 10:39 pm
Stop worrying about something that has never happened and just enjoy the fact that your wife comes home to you every night and gives you great sex.
2016-03-14 10:25 pm
It's usually insecure, selfish people that cheat.

But you never know. Maybe you'll cheat. It's hard to know what anyone will do at any given time. We even surprise ourselves.
2016-03-14 8:28 pm
You've been married to her for 24 years. We don't know her.? Is she honest? Does she have integrity. It has nothing to do with some random college kid with no boundaries.
2016-03-14 8:34 pm
she's been with you for 24 years and i doubt she's gonna cheat on you now
2016-03-14 8:31 pm
let her go man. She never aged like u ddi.

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