ADD and Terrible Vision.?

2016-03-14 3:56 pm
I recently found a job in a relatively jammed city. It'll require me to drive 30 minutes on a crammed highway and in various downtown intersections.
I'm short so visibility is awful and vision is blurry even with corrective lenses(DMV shrugged me off when they saw the look on my face and felt bad, let me off for good scores) and currently take medication for ADD but fear I wont be able to cope with the stress of driving in such a stressful environment or possibly wreck and hurt someone. Blood pressure sits quite high as well.
Would appreciate tips. Losing sleep over it

回答 (2)

2016-03-15 1:19 am
Get a better eye dr; maybe you have cataracts or something.
2016-03-14 11:49 pm
The medication you are taking may be a stimulant. Talk to your doctor.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:20:00
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