Can anyone explain to me how Arthritis in Dogs can be cured in days by letting them swim in a swimming pool ?

2016-03-13 3:17 pm
I know that it can take some time to heal but my dog has it. Shes 11 years old and my mam keeps telling me that shes not gona make it. I know that in my heart and mind she will be cured just by bringing her swimming. Shes a rough Border Collie.

回答 (8)

2016-03-13 3:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Swimming will not cure arthritis in a dog any more than it would cure it in a human.
Swimming is a good way to move the joints since there is little weight on the joints during the exercise. The warm water helps a lot just as it does in humans.
Just as in humans diet and exercise can help keeping the weight down is less stress on the joints.
I know you do not want to hear this but swimming and a drug regimen will help relieve some pain it will not cure it.
I wish you a lot of luck, be good to your dog. You will know when the time has come and she has had enough.
2016-03-13 5:00 pm
It can't be cured at all.

Just like people if you keep moving it may ease the symptoms, stay sedentary will only exacerbate it.

If she hasn't had a comprehensive wellness exam in the last six months, get one.

The exam should include a complete blood workup, urine/fecal, dental, and if indicated UTD vaccines, x-rays and an echo cardiogram.

While there you may address your concerns regarding the arthritis, options, possible treatments, prognosis, and quality of life.

Then put your feelings aside and do what is best for the dog.
2016-03-13 3:34 pm
only in your heart and mind
2016-03-13 6:20 pm
You won't cure arthritis, however swimming will help her to cope.
Use what I used for my GSD to help with pain.

Metacam and Rymadal are usually prescribed by vets for arthritis. Unfortunately both of these medications can cause internal bleeding and they horrify me; however at the onset of pain they give relief.

My GSD was diagnosed with arthritis in her knees, she suffered from internal bleeding when she was prescribed Metacam, this was apparent when her stools became almost black. I investigated other meds on the internet and discovered Flexadin. It’s about £70 from the vets and £20 on the internet. It contains Glucosamine and Chondroitin which helps enormously with pain and bone problems; however it also contains Devils Claw which also helps with pain. Later I accidentally discovered Seraquin which has other virtues because as well as the above stuff it also contains Turmeric, this is about £60 from the vets and £16 on the internet.
I was told that it could take up to six weeks for either Flexadin or Saraquin to take effect. In my experience it acts more quickly.
Flexadin and Seraquin are both available without a prescription.
2016-03-13 3:56 pm
You cannot cure arthritis....but there are ways to manage it. If it is really bad the vet may put her on a pain regiment. Swimming can help and so can a joint supplement like Cosequin.
2016-03-13 3:43 pm
Swimming doesn't cure arthritis, sorry. It's good exercise though.

You need to see your vet for pain medication to keep your dog pain free. With exercise, a good healthy diet and pain management, arthritis can be managed well for most older dogs, and add years to their lives.
2016-03-13 3:31 pm
Nothing "cures" arthritis. All you do is treat it to alleviate the dog's pain. Swimming is nothing more than a good exercise because the joints don't have to bear weight. The dog with arthritis still needs whatever meds the vet prescribed to keep the dog pain free. Dogs live with arthritis for a good many years IF their owners bother taking proper care of them.
2017-02-26 1:52 pm

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