Americans! what do you think of muslims?

2016-03-13 3:10 pm

回答 (37)

2016-03-14 4:43 am
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I had several Muslim friends when I was in college years ago in Texas and they were really cool people. I now live in Wisconsin and we really don't have many Muslim people here, so I haven't really had any interactions with anyone personally that was a Muslim for a long time so I really don't have anything to say really. I don't want to judge people I don't know and haven't met. I think that's the problem. I see posts on the internet all the time that say things like all men are disgusting pigs. I'm sure some men are, but not all men are - you haven't met every man in the world. It's the same thing with Muslims. If someone has an experience with one Muslim they assume all of them are bad. It's easy to jump to conclusions about people. It's like watching a video on the internet where a black person commits a crime, so a person can assume that all Black people are criminals, but they aren't all criminals. I've had Christians abuse me and steal from me, are all Christians bad? well no, some of them are, but not all are. I'm sure there are good and bad Muslims just like there are good and bad men and good and bad women and good and bad Christians, etc. etc. If I don't know the person then I'm not going to judge them. Even the videos we watch on TV have been edited to get an emotional response from people. It is very difficult to get the whole story. I'm willing to give everyone a chance. But if you treat me bad, my trust is very difficult to regain. I really don't care what religion a person believes. I care what they do. If you believe in worshipping grasshoppers then more power to you. I don't care. All I care about is whether someone is kind to me or not. So if a person is Muslim then that's their business. I don't care. If they are kind to me that's great, but if they are trying to kill me then there's a problem.
2016-03-13 6:07 pm
I'm completely fine with Muslims
2016-03-15 5:26 pm
I am married to Sunni Muslim , I am catholic European women . I think there is good and bad ppl in every race religion . I know a lot Muslims and they are friendly ppl . Trying to live in peace with others they don't want to cause any problems .
Ppl believe what they see on TV and I did too I was always thinking how bad they are I thought they beating their wife's and all that till I got married to one and everything change .
Muslim women can go and do what she wants she not a prisoner as many of u think and the men must respect the women .
I am Catholic I go church I pray we have bible and Quran and home .
No problems at all . I like Muslim ppl
2016-03-13 8:02 pm
My cousin is a muslim....he is family...and I love my family I love them.... I never told my cousin that he should not be a muslim...I practice ironic...a jew and a muslim coexisting in the same living proof that muslims and jews can exist together ...and we are both black as the keyboard on your computer. I think muslims are great because PEOPLE are great no matter what their background as long as the individual is not threatening to hurt or kill anyone.
2016-03-13 3:17 pm
I could care less as long as they understand that in the game of rock paper scissors the Constitution smashes Islam while in the USA. Same thing for Christianity.
2016-03-13 8:09 pm
Muslims are outbreeding us. Soon to outnumber us. They have eight children to our 1.8 and our Gays are not reproducing. Americans are truly naiive about how their system of government works and the plain fact is that soon there will be a majority of Muslim voters. Personally I am unhappy about it, but my fellow Americans are plainly not smart enough to realise this so I feel totally alone with this information. Muslims will be able to make legal changes to our Constitution and laws and make it Sharia Law as older Americans die out and Gays do not have children and the Muslims' kids hit eighteen and register as voters. . . far sooner than you think even if you do think. And most of US do not think. Women's rights will be set back not just to our own Middle Ages but worse than ever because Europeans even in the worst part of the Middle Ages did not keep a bag over a woman's head. A woman will no longer have a face. Gays' rights will be exactly back to the Middle Ages except maybe being pushed off of rooftops instead of burning at the stake. But, overall, it will be more oppressive than Europe under the mediaeval Inquisiton. Soon too. There is nothing you can legally do.
2016-03-13 3:18 pm
I view Muslims the same way I view anyone else who holds illogical beliefs concerning supernatural entities. As long as they don't annoy other people because of it, there is no problem.
2016-03-13 3:12 pm
I have plenty of Muslim friends. I don't view Muslims negatively.
2016-03-13 3:23 pm
Americans! what do you think of muslims?
Hmmm, Why do you ask ... IF, they are good people , fine, great ... if they are HATING, STUPID MUSLIM TERRORISTS / DAESH or DAESH SUPPORTERS - not good... deserving of WAR and DEATH !!
2016-03-14 7:32 am
Love and except them just as I love and except all other religions.
We shouldn't stereotype them based on other Muslim's actions.
2016-03-14 7:29 am
Positive mind
2016-03-14 5:18 am
What do I think of the people or the religion?? I believe Jesus Christ came to save Muslim's of their sins, and he alone has the power to do it, unlike their religions that teaches works leading to salvation. Islam is a typical religion that teaches you can work your way to heaven, and Jesus says you cannot.
2016-03-13 9:22 pm
This shouldn't even be a question... Provided they are kind people, Muslims are perfectly fine.
2016-03-13 8:53 pm
Orthodox Muslims by virtue of their beliefs can not endorse the USA Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Of course, it seems that among them there are Muslims who are exceptions. And, of course, there are "Muslims" who are for lack of a better term "reformed" Muslims. As seen in the UK, orthodox Muslims aggressively promulgate their ideology and are trying to promote global sharia. Those are some thoughts that this American has about Muslims. Btw, this American has negative opinion about the authentic basis for Muslim ideology.
2016-03-13 3:37 pm
I like Muslims. Why do they hate us?
2016-03-13 3:35 pm
I'm hurt
2016-03-13 3:21 pm
Not a fan/supporter.
2016-03-13 3:13 pm
They should not support terrorists.
2016-03-14 5:39 am
An time honored Soviet bit of advice, often quoted by President Reagan, comes to mind, on the subject of trusting Muslims in America: Cautiously trust---by solidly verify.

Remember: Islam teaches it's followers to wage wars of unspeakable raging violence towards ANYONE who is not Muslim.
2016-03-14 5:20 am
2016-03-14 2:26 am
What some of these stupid people don't realize that we have had decent honorable Muslim people in our country as well as other decent and honorable people of other nationalities for decades. It's time for CHUMP wanna be idiots to go back to school and get an education
2016-03-13 8:16 pm
Horrible, evil. No way legally to stop them. They have every legal right to vote and reproduce as much as they can.
2016-03-13 3:15 pm
I don't give a wet fart what people's religious views are.
2016-03-13 3:18 pm
Muslims are fine so long as they don't come to Europe or America
2016-03-15 3:31 pm
You mean all 1.6 billion of them? I don't know; I haven't met them all. The ones I HAVE met are great people.
2016-03-14 5:55 am
I am a muslim!
2016-03-14 5:51 am
We can't keep them out remember when we kept jews out during WW2 that didn't end well
2016-03-14 1:01 am
many seem to be decent people , however many seem to be easily radicalized.
2016-03-13 10:01 pm
Very respectful, kind and spiritual. They are one of the few religions I know who sticks to the beliefs they are taught and how they live their daily lives. Very decent people who I relate well to like any of the other friends I have.
2016-03-13 3:18 pm
I think it will take the moderate Muslims in the world to defeat the radical groups who want to make the entire world Muslim. And if the moderate Muslims don't stand up and be counted the world will be a very messy place for a couple of hundred years.
2016-03-16 12:29 am
I have no opinion on Muslims in general. There are so many different cultures and individuals, how could I?
2016-03-14 9:05 am
there is a group trying to get the government to allow them to enforce sharia law... some muslim parents got mad and complained about the easter celebration at their kids school, as a result alot of schools no longer celebrate it. this country is not governed by religion yet muslim expect special treatment, and expect us to conform to their ways......
2016-03-13 5:06 pm
I don't, what's your excuse?
2016-03-13 3:34 pm
I am opposed to the muslim religion.
2016-03-13 3:18 pm
I would consider my view neutral-disapproving.

2016-03-13 3:12 pm
Muslims? Or terrorists?
2016-03-13 3:12 pm
The majority of them want sharia.

I'm fine with anybody, as long as they don't tell me what to believe.
2016-03-13 4:09 pm
They behave just like our president; terrorists, hate Christianity, hate American laws, rude, hate Americans, hate the American military, racist, entitled and disgusting.
2016-03-13 3:26 pm
Most of them are better people than the man who started the religion in the first place.
2016-03-13 3:18 pm
secret agents for a mission to convert usa into a muslim country.
2016-03-13 3:25 pm
I think it's really strange every time i encounter a muslim. I just saw the second muslim I've ever seen just yesterday on my way to the carnival rides. I do not want to see any of their men in Texas wearing the table cloth and long white dresses.
2016-03-13 3:13 pm
Deport them!
2016-03-13 3:14 pm
I don't like them.

But we should analyze who is really behind the mass immigration of Muslims to western countries.

Why are these Muslims not being shipped to Japan or South Korea? These non white countries have some of the strictest immigration policies in the world, and no one calls them bigots for it. It is only white countries that asked to take on this burden, and it is only white people who are called racists for opposing it.

The Jews are orchestrating this assault on white, western countries as a way of exterminating the white race.
2016-07-03 10:08 am
There are good and bad people in every religion/race. Educated people do not judge an entire race and/or religion by looking at one/group.

If the neighbour on your right is bad, does that mean every neighbour on your street is??
2016-03-13 9:32 pm
I don't trust any religious sect that believes all the world's people should be converted to their religion or be killed.
2016-03-13 3:21 pm
Just another religion. There are cults in all of them. Their religion is similar to Mormons in many ways.

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