Is everyone Bisexual to an extent? Do I have to rethink my take on dick now?

2016-03-12 3:45 pm
I read this article and it said everyone's Bi to an extent. I'm not so sure this is true.

Goddamnit, I think I need to see a therapist now and see why I reject dick so thoroughly..

回答 (4)

2016-03-12 4:28 pm
Not everyone is bisexual. Some are only straight or gay/lesbian. I am bisexual but I prefer guys. Sexuality is full of different shades, it's normal to ask yourself what you really like.
2016-03-12 4:28 pm
Well, I'm not. This is just fad in the culture and if it is more than a fad, it's utter nonsense.
2016-03-12 3:56 pm
Scientists has been able to understand all sexualities except bisexuality. I'm not being rude but if you read scientific articles then you'll know. Bisexuality has always baffled scientists which means that they don't understand it. I'm a Psychologist and not even I understand it. I've had bisexual patients come to me about bisexuality and I always have to get advice on how to deal with it. I'm definitely not bisexual. I cannot see myself with a woman. In the same way straight men probably cannot see themselves with another man.

Are you bisexual? Explain how you feel about it? It's always baffled me.
2016-03-12 3:57 pm
Are gay men remotely interested in a vagina? Sure they are. Just ask them.
Most secretly fantasize and daydream about vaginas and women. Uh huh.
The entire time he's getting pounded he's praying for a girl to rescue him. Help!
參考: One article sends you to a therapist? Wow. Sucks to be you I guess.

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