Does anyone think that Yahoo Answers has actually improved a lot?

2016-03-12 8:01 am

回答 (25)

2016-03-12 8:08 am
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I don't think so.
2016-03-12 10:45 am
Just the opposite lately ....its going down then pan fast.
2016-03-12 9:25 am
You're kidding right?????? In the past. Level 5 and up had UNLIMITED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS!!! now there's a limit and it sucks.
2016-04-04 9:51 pm
Every time they fix anything they break two things.
2016-04-07 3:56 pm
It has not changed a bunch in my fairly long tenure.
2016-04-04 1:10 am
No it has not improved and never will. Have fun. fart!!
2016-03-29 12:06 am
No...I have lost hundreds of emails. My home page ( disappeared and with it my livelihood. I follow 50 stocks that I Depend on... GONE. Yahoo has no right to eliminate the content that I depend on. Take care of it YAHOO....EJG
2016-04-20 10:14 pm
Lol !!
2016-07-13 9:07 am
Yahoo stinks
2016-04-26 2:36 pm
Huh? I haven't been here for a very long time, and I see no improvements..
2016-05-01 8:48 pm
I used to love to get on Answers but now it is so different.The people are so rude
2016-03-12 8:41 am
No it has not at all. It's gone down.
2016-12-19 4:40 am
Since when? It has got far worse...never get points back for unfit reporting.
2016-08-31 4:03 am
No,I Said Give Me Back My Work,You Ling *******
2016-04-28 10:47 pm
2016-04-22 1:23 am
Yeah I think so
2016-04-19 11:37 am
It lost a lot.
2016-10-26 2:49 am
2016-05-03 5:46 am
2016-05-02 3:04 pm
2016-04-29 4:20 pm
not one bit.
2016-04-27 12:18 am
I just started using're welcome.
2016-06-21 9:01 am
2016-04-29 3:58 pm
most of the time
2016-04-28 6:03 am
It barely works sometimes.
2016-04-26 4:48 am
yes, I get keeping get kicked off for not following the community rules.
2016-04-25 11:29 pm

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