Why is American so strict on gun laws?

2016-03-12 6:29 am
If a person with a criminal background wants to get a a gun for protecting their self they should have the right to. I hate these gun laws in America that a felon cannot have a firearm or someone that the government thinkshould is mental cannot have one or what other reasons that these white people try to have a reason why we cannot own a gun, so fuc* all of you white people

回答 (5)

2016-03-12 6:35 am
Ya wanna work on yer trollin' skills, son. Nome sayin'.
2016-03-13 2:40 pm
If people want to own a firearm legally then they should never have committed the crime. The old saying of, "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time", is very good advice.

As Samuel Adams once said, "The Constitution shall never be construed to authorize congress to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens .... from keeping their own arms." As we both know criminals have proven they are not peaceable citizens.
2016-03-12 6:53 am
And you are the perfect example of WHY we want to keep guns away from mental cases and felons.
2016-03-13 9:23 pm
If you take a look at the profile of those supporting gun control legislation you will find they are more then likely a Black Female!
Reverend Al Sharpton while not female is clearly not white and he is one calling for stricter gun control!
While Mr. Obama is of mixed blood- he calls himself black and he is for gun controls!
I would suggest that research is in order to define who is trying to keep guns under control!
2016-03-13 3:50 pm
Um, tell me something. If someone has a criminal background, why give them a gun? Though many can be rehabilitated, how many go back to their criminal ways? This also includes armed robbery, gang violence, and other gun related crimes.

By doing so, you put the lives of innocent people in jeopardy.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:17:16
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