I hit my father?

2016-03-11 6:31 pm
My father got caught having an affair with another woman by my mom. So, when they were arguing, he tried to hit my mom and i hit him very bad punching him in the face. I am 17 male. What should i do? My father is crying right now and my mother healing him. I feel guilty now.

回答 (5)

2016-03-11 8:58 pm
go apologize to him, he needs to learn not to hit your mom too, instead of punching him in the face like that you wouldve been better off just calling the police on him
2016-03-11 7:20 pm
You defended your Mom's honor ! So good job young man.
2016-03-11 6:46 pm
It was in defense of your mother. Call the police. He should not be trying to lay hands on your mother, EVER.

Don't feel guilt. You did what you had to do to protect your mother. Abusers want you to feel guilty for something THEY did wrong. Let him cry.

It is isn't like you were excessive. You saw the situation and stopped it.
2016-03-11 6:46 pm
What done is done. I certainly wouldn't have felt guilt about that. I'm sure your father will get over it given what he did.
2016-03-11 6:57 pm
I understand wanting to protect your mother but you should have pushed him or something and not hit him in the face. I do not care what is happening between your mom and dad you are his son and owe him respect. This is between the two of them and you have no place in that equation

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:16:52
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