The philosophical needle in the haystack. How may ways can it be interpreted?

2016-03-11 4:45 pm
I for one believe that there are many philosophical meanings to this quote. How many different interpretations can you come up with? I am curious if anyone has given it a thought.

回答 (6)

2016-03-11 7:49 pm
The only way to find a needle in a haystack quickly is to use unconventional means.

"We can't find the exact location of the target (needle),so we'll carpet bomb the entire area,followed by napalm."

Better to burn the haystack down and pick up the needle than to spend days looking for it.
2016-03-11 5:50 pm
Here's one possible interpretation for you to consider based on something everyone here can identify with:

It's rather like Yahoo (the haystack) users who aren't seen for years then pop up once in a blue moon (the needle) and ask a question in the philosophy section.

Actually finding a challenging question is rather like finding that needle, but I still live in hope. One day perhaps!
2016-03-11 6:15 pm
What quote???
2016-03-14 3:22 am
What quote? The phrase "needle in a haystack" is an idiom of language - a colloquialism - it is not a quote. It is simply used to describe something that is extremely hard to find and means nothing more or less than that. It has no significant philosophical meaning behind it, but a philosopher might use it to describe the answer to a philosophical question. Ex: Finding the true meaning of life is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
2016-03-12 5:36 am
Some of you wish for me to provide you with an answer. Just as a few people here have used the haystack and needle as metaphors. Is something harder to find if you look or is it harder to find when not looking? How big is your haystack? How many haystacks are there? Is your haystack the world or your backyard? Is the needle a good thing or is it a bad thing? If you search for evil then evil you will find if you search for good does that mean you won't find evil? My simple question is seeking complex answers.
2016-03-11 6:17 pm
think it just means something hard to find - like a needle would be in a haystack

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