What to do about a neighbor that keeps making false complaints to animal control about my dog?

2016-03-11 3:28 am
One of my neighbors - not sure who, but animal control referred to the caller as a "she" - called animal control and complained that she was bitten by my dog! When animal control showed up I told them the truth - that my dog was inside all day! When animal control approached my neighbor about it, my neighbor changed her story, and instead claimed that my dog "jumped up at her and tried to bite her", which is impossible since my dog was inside all day!

This is her second false complaint. What can I do (legally) to get her in trouble for the false complaints? Or at least to shut her up?

回答 (5)

2016-03-11 8:39 am
>What can I do (legally) to get her in trouble for the false complaints?

Not a whole lot they won't even tell you who she is and they didn't seem to care that her story changed. The fact is unless she has bite marks or other proof they aren't going to do anything but make a showing. They have to investigate complaints

About the only thing you can do is get an expensive video surveillance system with a dvr and film Fido 24/7/365 then when the next complaint is made you can prove your dog was home. BUT this doesn't mean the complainant will be charged with anything she'll probably just said I thought that was where the dog lived.

>Or at least to shut her up?

You've got to figure out why they hate your dog. Is you dog annoying? Does it just bark all day in your yard? Does it ever get loose, is it one of the breeds people feel are vicious? If you know what makes your dog worth falsely reporting stop doing it.

The other possibility is one of your neighbors hates you and they are using your dog to screw with you.
2016-03-12 2:59 am
give your dog to a friend for a few weeks and see if she still complains .
2016-03-11 5:07 am
Do you know which neighbor called in on your dog? If so, why would she do that? If your dog was inside all day and not a threat to her, why would she call in about the dog? Does she have 'other issues' with you?

Sometime ago, the president of my son's neighborhood association called Animal Control on my son's dog because my son would not sign a petition to prevent a group home for mentally challenged adults in the area. The dog was a 14-year-old Chocolate Lab on her last leg. The caller said she was a vicious pit bull!

Animal Control sent their worst guy out! He was very threatening, demanding to come into the home and take the dog! (As good luck would have it, the dog was not in the home at that time.) The Animal Control guy insisted that he could come into the home without a warrant and seize the dog. My son said, "If you set foot in my home, I will kill you! And don't tell me who made the report because I will have to kill him, too!"

The Animal Control guy left and Sonny never heard another word about his "pit bull!"

Maybe you need to take a "hard line" about your neighbor's complaints! "GET OUTTA HERE! And tell the complaint person to do the same!"
2016-03-11 3:38 am
I knew a guy who thought that his neighbor poisoned his dog. He would go out in the backyard and cuss at him (you could barely hear him) but he cussed like that all the time anyway. The neighbor took him to civil court and won. He had the choice to either pay the neighbor $25,000 or move.
2016-03-11 3:32 am
talk to a lawyer about filing a law suit against her

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