Should I let my wife be a surrogate mother?

2016-03-11 1:53 am
My wife is talking about becoming a surrogates mother for her sister. My wife sister cannot have any more children and my wife volunteers to have her boyfriend sperm in her so she can have her sisters kid. Should I let it happen

回答 (16)

2016-03-11 4:30 am
This is a very big, personal decision you and your wife need to discuss and think about for a while.
2016-03-11 2:10 am
I don't know if you can stop her. You might ask how she's going to feel when "her" baby is living with her sister...Will she be able to let go?

Surrogates have a hard time sometimes, anyway, when the baby goes away forever to live with someone else. How is your wife going to deal with a child her sister will raise? Google the Baby M case, and have your wife seriously consider the end result.
2016-03-11 7:33 pm
Well, it isn't really up to you.

I can see a lot of potential problems, but ultimately it's your wife's decision. She SHOULD take into consideration your feelings on the matter, however.
2016-03-11 7:58 am
"Sperm in her"? You should only agree
to it if it's done through in vitro fertilization.
2016-03-11 6:31 am
As if it was up to you. LOL
2016-03-11 2:06 am
You can't prevent it if your wife is determined, but I don't believe she should do this. For one thing, it's a major life decision, and neither spouse should do something so major without the consent of the other. For another, it will complicate the relationship between your wife and her sister in ways your wife may not foresee. The sister already has kids, but even if she didn't, it wouldn't be your wife's responsibility to do this.
2016-03-11 3:52 am
If you're willing to live through the pregnancy and go through all of that experience and give up the kid. It's quite heroic on both of your parts but only to be done if both of you are okay with it.
2016-03-11 1:57 am
It's not up to you.
2016-03-11 6:29 pm
I would consider studying Every aspect of this; before I made a decision... look it up on the internet... familiarize yourself; so you come into this process with a more educated mind...

~ it's difficult to anticipate all the various problems you may or may not encounter. > here is one link to begin with; surely you will find more!

It's a huge decision: wishing you *All* the best.
2016-03-11 3:11 pm
I think since this decision of hers would also affect you - the medical visits, not being able to have (unprotected) sex while they are trying to conceive, living with a pregnant woman, not really being a party to the whole birthing process (assuming she wants to go natural), living with her post baby body, dealing with all and any of the emotional issues this could engender, etc - not just for now but for around a year from now (minimum) I think you should get a say in the process.
That is what couples who share more than a bed do - they talk about things that are going to affect their lives together and don't make decisions without consulting with and coming to an understanding with the other.
2016-03-11 2:34 am
As long as her boyfriend is allowed to steed your wife and pump his man gravy into her. That would be a treat!
2016-03-14 8:08 pm
The idea that it's the wife's decision is preposterous. This isn't feeding the cat for someone away on vacation, or picking up some groceries on your way past the store, this is a huge and intrusive responsibility your wife is taking on, and for her to go ahead with this against your wishes is unconscionable. Honestly, I'd likely divorce a woman with that little regard for my input in a marriage, and who'd require so much of my effort during her pregnancy and afterward. I'd have to suggest that surrogate pregnancy requires the full participation of both partners, at every step.
2016-03-14 9:43 am
IVF is what they call it. But if she is thinking straight out sex with this guy trying to get pregnant I would absolutely say no.

This is an issue that requires a lengthy discussion between you and your wife. It's a noble gesture but you both need to be on the same page or it's going to cause some serious issues later on.
2016-03-14 3:16 am
dump the whore now
2016-03-11 5:06 am
First things first, are you okay with this guy looking up your wifes vagina to see his child born? What about sisters eggs, they should be able to fertilize her egg then implant live embryo into your wife so she doesn't have to have boyfriends (not husbands) sperm dumped insider her? Don't forget you wont be able to have sex until after wife is pregnant. I don't think you should do it but its your decision......
2016-03-11 4:15 am
no...thats gross. another mans sperm. i wouldn't allow it. have th sister hire someone or do it in a lab in vitro

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