She has a TV set in every room of the house. She has a TV set in every room in the house. 請問呢兩意思係咪差唔多?用of the house還是in the house比較合適?

2016-03-10 3:19 pm

回答 (2)

2016-03-11 3:58 am
She has a TV set in every room of the house.比較合適。因為主句的內容是she has a TV set,用介系詞片語in every room of the house是標示「位置」的,而room是屬於house的,所以用表示「從屬關係」的介系詞of,會比標示位置的in更合適。room是屬於那間house的,沒有必要再標示位置,此外,從邏輯上room的位置本來就該在一個建築物之「內」,不會在「外」。再者,從修辭的觀點上,也應避免連續用相同的介系詞in。本人主張宜用of the house,而非in the house。
2016-03-11 3:20 am
She has a TV set in every room in the house.

原因是TV set和house是沒有必然的從屬或附帶關係的,即是說一間屋裏有多少電視機跟造成這是"一間屋"這東西沒有必定性的關係,所以不會用of the house.


She painted every window of the house in red.
由於窗子是屋子的一部份,所以寫時便描述為of the house。

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