If I start a non- profit organization that helps homeless people,can I legally make a profit ?

2016-03-10 2:16 am

回答 (5)

2016-03-10 2:30 am
Non profits can and do make money. The majority of their money must be used for the purpose(s) stated on their application. You personally cannot take money from the organization for your own purposes. That said, your board of directors can vote to provide you a salary if you are providing significant services to the organization. You cannot have any input as to the amount, cannot attend the portion of the meeting where it is discussed, and cannot vote on your own compensation.
參考: IRS enrolled agent with several non-profit clients
2016-04-15 6:06 pm
There's a difference between making a profit and making money.

Non-profits make money. They have to to stay in business. This money goes to pay expenses, salaries and so on.

Non-profits can NOT make profits. That's why they are called non-profits. No dividend payments. Any cash over expenses most be held for future expenses and there are strict limits as to how much can be held.

You could start a non-profit and draw a salary. Not the same thing as what you asked.
2016-03-20 5:16 pm
Yes. Nonprofits can and do pay salaries, hire consultants, and keep money in reserves. But, there are specific laws governing those duties. There are also several different kinds of non-profits. Those we are most familiar with have a 501c3 tax status and are public entities (thus, stewards of others people's money). Opening up one for homeless people would likely fall under that category. I think we get a little hung up on the word 'profit.' We want our nonprofits to be financially stable and attract and sustain quality leadership, thus some of the larger ones may pay quite well, while others operate on a shoestring. The answer isn't so black and white. A potential funder will look at a nonprofit's financials before giving them money, sometimes looking at various ratios...how much money is brought in vs. how much is paid out...in salaries, direct services to the clients, fundraising etc. If you want to see what some of the larger nonprofits actually pay their board members, the information is available to the public, as they are legally obligated to disclose it. Websites like Guidestar make all those financial documents available to the public for free. You can easily register for free and look at any nonprofit's annual tax documents (i.e., 990). Using Guidestar is also a great way to determine whether you want to give money to a non-profit when you (or your aging parents!) receive all those envelopes in the mail asking for money!!
2016-03-14 1:20 am
PLEASE tell me WHERE in the MF HELL
you get the idea that a nonprofit can't make money.

Any nonprofit can bring in more money that it spends.
The law governs what it can DO with that money.

Yes, you can pay yourself a salary,

until you file form 1023 with the IRS and jump through a hundred other hoops, you do not have a nonprofit.

You have a hobby.

Nonprofit Organizations: Myths and Facts
"Nonprofit" Does Not Mean "No Money"
2016-03-10 8:04 am
2016-03-10 2:17 am
No. Then you wouldn't qualify as a 501c3, aka a nonprofit.

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