I believe that abortionists do not deserve to live and should be shot at sight. Is this a radical position?

2016-03-09 10:15 pm

回答 (14)

2016-03-09 10:18 pm
The logic of "pro-life" people :P

"I believe all life is sacred! If you disagree I'll KILL you!"

LMAO. Classic.
2016-03-09 10:47 pm
Yes, of course it is, and I think you're very aware of that fact...which then begs the question: Why would you post a question you probably already know the answer to?

There's only a few possibilities, and none of them involve any type of real commitment to shoot and kill women who have had abortions or doctors who have performed abortions. If that was truly something you wanted to do, you would have already done it by now, instead of bragging on the Internet that you want to do it.

No, I think the most possible reason for why you would post something like this is that you feel abortion is very wrong, for whatever reason, and you're frustrated because you have no legal way of making it stop so you, therefore, decide to post something very threatening on the Internet, hoping it will Intimidate women or abortion doctors into being less likely to have abortions or perform abortions.

A second possible reason would be to incite other anti-abortion people to agree with your position and actually go out and do the dirty work for you, since you clearly don't have the balls or the stomach for it yourself.

Either way, the fact that you're saying this stuff on the Internet, instead of actually being at an abortion clinic right now, doing what you said you want to do, it shows that you're mostly just a blowhard.

If you don't have the nads to do anything except post threatening stuff on the Internet, instead of walking the walk, then please do us all a favor and just STFU. Nobody likes a poser.
2016-03-09 10:18 pm
That's idiotic. You think a doctor that performs a legal medical procedure should be killed. Hmmm... so to stop killing, you want to kill. There is something ridiculous in that thought pattern. I can understand if you find abortion immoral or against God's divine decision, whatever... You fight it, you get the law changed. But to kill a man performing a legal service, to a woman that wants it, not forced into it... You are a fool.
2016-03-09 10:26 pm
Yes, it is. I believe that you should be locked up for having such dangerous and violent beliefs. I wouldn't be opposed to the capital punishment being handed out to radicals like yourself.

If it weren't for abortionists, then there would be a lot of deaths out there - many of them young teenage girls - with no option left but to use a coat hanger or throw themselves down the stairs.
2016-03-09 10:16 pm
yes, and fascist and naive
2016-03-09 10:28 pm
For someone who has never had an unwanted pregnancy, it's an ignorant position.
2016-03-09 10:33 pm
Yes, it is. And one that was common enough that when I used to work on a clinic defense squad, we were armed.

And why I will continue to argue that anti-gun sentiment on the part of soft, fake "leftists," ignorant of all of human history, is far and away the best friend that right-wing nuts like you have.

Think, and argue, whatever you want. Only a worthless pig would lock you up or execute you for what you say or think. But this is a CIVIL WAR-LEVEL issue. Impose your will, and say goodbye to social peace.

And to any leaders your movement may have. Fair targets, in a civil war like the one you want to start.
2016-03-10 4:04 am
Yes but most prolifers think like you do. They claim to believe life is sacred but have no issues with abortion clinics being bombed and the people murdered over it. Their true agenda is sex shaming and poking their nose into other people's bed rooms. They are likely the same people against homosexuality. As if it somehow actually affects them.
2016-03-10 9:44 pm
Nope. imo any women that think its okay to get abortions should be forcibly sterilized.
2016-03-10 8:06 pm
Killing the killers is completely normal position.

Should kill everyone who swats a fly really. or kills an ant under their foot.

its all the same
2016-03-10 3:31 am
Certainly more radical than thinking all trolls should be shot...
2016-03-09 11:02 pm
Most civilized people accept that defense of self and others sometimes requires the use of force.
2016-03-09 11:10 pm
Um, yeah, pretty radical. I don't like Christians trying to shove religion down my throat but I don't want to shoot them.
2016-03-09 10:51 pm
Is it radical? Sounds radical. The reverse (women have the right to a successful abortion so if they give live birth we should be allowed to kill the babies before they leave the hospital) also sounds pretty radical.

Ctrl+Alt+Dlt, who has me blocked, "No, I think the most possible reason for why you would post something like this is that you feel abortion is very wrong, ...". Really? THAT was your first and sorta your second guess? You thought he was PRO-LIFE?

If I'm an atheist (I am) and I get on here and post "Jesus says we should burn the witches. Let's burn some witches!", your first impulse is "Holy shyt! This Christian wants to burn witches!"? How long have you been using YA? At the very least, check their profile. See if you remember them from somewhere.

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