Question to other Liberals, why don't you support Israel?

2016-03-08 6:55 pm
Israel seems to be much in line with my principles. They have some problems but they are much better then Palestine. The problems I have with it are on issues like gay marriage etc. They are completely justified though, they have every right to exist and defend themselves.I truly see them as a great nation and cannot understand why my fellow left wingers are against them. Now maybe you can change my mind so please explain it to me. At the very least shouldn't we lean towards them in this conflict?

回答 (10)

2016-03-08 6:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Most liberals don't actually give a ****. They just see Israel as being typically alligned with right wing Christians, so by default that feel like they HAVE to hate them as a proxy.

The situation itself speaks volumes. It's hilarious! I mean here you have supposed liberals WILLINGLY siding with people belonging to the most viciously patriarchal, sexist, homophobic ideology on the planet over a society that is nearly as progressive as ANY country in the Western world lol. Really, what else even needs to be said??
2016-03-08 7:01 pm
I'm a Constitutional Conservative and believe in Liberty and Choice which must be allowed if Responsible Citizens are to escape Domination.
Israel began their efforts to protect themselves from abuse after the Holocaust and
never sought to abuse the Palestinians or anyone else. It was their Islamic neighbors that sought to destroy Israel and since the beginning of this era, Israel has only fought to defend themselves form genocide and extinction.
I too side with Israel since they take the high ground and never attack except in self defense. Israel does NOT murder women and children just because they are not Jewish.
Muslim extremist Nations can not make that claim.
2016-03-08 6:57 pm
I DO "support Israel". I DO NOT support illegal settlement building. I certainly do not support placing the interests of Israel above our own.
2016-03-08 6:57 pm
they are racist
2016-03-08 7:26 pm
Well, that is due to the Likud party charter to annihilate Palestinians and prevent a Palestinian state, and Netanyahu's appeasing Zionist ultra-orthodox parties. Most Jews are Democrats and on the Left. We find Israel's policies bordering on fascism, the way Palestinians are treated: it is inhumane, unjust, unnecessary, and in violation of international law. Palestinians should have human rights and freedom. We dont believe Israel's false claim of national security. it is about power and keeping a colony.
2016-03-08 7:04 pm
I'm a "liberal" and a big fan of Israel. Of course, I like mandated healthcare and taxpayer funded abortion too (not really) just like Israel has.
2016-03-08 7:03 pm
Israhell is a terrorist apartheid state. I wish I was alive before WW2, when the Joos knew their place instead of saying, "BUT THE HOLOCAUST!!!!!"
2016-03-08 7:01 pm
Yes. Israel is a marvelous liberal social democracy, and a US ally.

The only problem is that it is an apartheid state which systematically discriminates in favor of Jews and against Muslims and Christians and other religions and ethnicities. If they gave Arabs full citizenship and equal rights, or implemented the two state solution they agreed to in the Camp David Accords, it would be the envy of the middle east.
2016-03-08 6:57 pm
Because they've become the Nazis that they were trying to escape from
2016-03-08 6:57 pm
Because first they are no friend of the USA. The Israelis have done everything from espionage to trying to influence government officials. Second, they treat the Palestines badly, forcing them to beg to provide for their families.

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