Did I scare her away? What is the best way to handle this situation?

2016-03-08 3:55 pm
This woman I am talking to she was sharing with me a bad past experience with her ex how she was very physically abused and how she almost died and I shared with her some bad experiences I went through and one of them was something relatable to her current situation and one of her replys was that she told me that's scary and that's the reason why she wants to change her name.and where she lives so she doesn't have to look over her shoulder often. I tried telling her to not over react and not allow it to control her life and I haven't gotten a response ever since last night. We have only been talking for a few days. Did I ruin my chances of talking to her by scaring her away with my past? What is the best way to handle this cause I do like her..

回答 (3)

2016-03-08 4:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Ever since last night?! Give her a chance!

You might have scared her away - perhaps some phrase you used reminded her of a bad experience subconsciously, for example. Who knows? Advice is not always welcome - just listening and being sympathetic and supportive is often all that is required. Advising someone can sometimes effectively be telling them that they are ignorant and that you know better than them.....

Give her a day or two and if still no response, you could simply send her a text or call her asking how she is - or telling her that you had been enjoying the contact and her wise words (or something). Don't be cliingy, though.
2016-03-08 4:20 pm
If she was almost beaten to death she isn't over reacting. All you can do it try talking to her and see where it goes.
2016-03-08 3:58 pm
If you like her, be proactive and ask her on a date then! You're the guy - you're meant to be the hunter. She may just presume that you see her as nothing more than a friend who shares her painful experience.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:14:26
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