why dog lovers are irrational? they just find excuses for dog attacks?

2016-03-08 10:40 am

回答 (7)

2016-03-08 11:01 am
Don't lump all dog owners into the same basket, and when it comes to people being irrational, some are more irrational than others no matter what the topic might be. You're the one who posted the question yesterday about the cop shooting that dog in Florida, and since you awarded me BA to that question, you should note that I'm not one of those irrational *dog lovers.* My guess would be that there are more rational dog owners than irrational dog owners, but then again, that's just my speculation. SOME and ALL have different meanings....right? If you hang around in the Dog Section long enough you'll find that there are *some* people that think that all Pit Bulls are evil and baby killers. The fact is that not all Pit Bulls are baby killers like *some* people seem to think. *Some* people also seem to think that certain breeds are just little yappy ankle biters, but that is also an irrational way of thinking. Just for the record, and since I mentioned Pit Bulls, I'd like to let you know that I've never owned a Pit Bull and never will, but it's not because I think they are evil baby killers. I just don't find them to be *eye candy* just like many people would think that my breed of choice is ugly to them or a breed that shouldn't be around children because of the stigma that the breed has earned over the years. Again, some and all have two different meanings, the same way as saying that all people who have two legs can walk. That simply isn't true. Many people who have two legs can't walk, right?
2016-03-08 1:56 pm
Anthony, you keep making all these anti dog posts. What's your real problem? Were you attacked as a child and nobody helped you? What? You've entered 'trollville' now, and no one will take you seriously. Tell us what happened.
2016-03-08 1:03 pm
You are psychotic if you really believe this.
2016-03-09 3:50 am
in your opinion .... opinion are like butt holes EVERYBODY HAS ONE
2016-03-08 2:49 pm
Why other people trespass or put themselves in that position other than being too lazy to get a Real Job so they can retire on the big settlement they receive from homeowners insurances?
2016-03-08 2:22 pm
I love dogs but I do not find excuses for an unprovoked attack. We had a dog bite a friends son but his father saw him kicking at our dog out the window. They did not press the issue because their son provoked the dog. We had a German Shepherd that bit a neighbor for no reason except that he walked up our driveway. She was old and my parents did not want to risk her attacking anyone else so they had her euthanized. I was very young and don't remember much about it...just what I was told.
2016-03-08 11:26 pm
i DONT hate dogs, i hate their owners and lovers. And if it attacks unlawfully, it ll die, dog ******* need to understand its self defense, stand your ground

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