美國公民 台灣役男 短暫回台結婚生子 但因台灣兵役恐影響美國工作 ,請問 如何處理 ? 太太孩子 可以辦理依親或觀光嗎? (先不考慮移民 )?

2016-03-08 7:07 am

回答 (2)

2016-03-08 11:54 pm
看看符不符合僑民資格. 1985年前生的僑民役男四個月出境一次, 85年之後生的每年滯台不超過183天不用服役.
2016-03-08 8:08 am
1. It is an obligation you eventually have to settle. There is no guaranteed way to succeed.

(Some people may use their U.S. Passports as a cover. But again - the Passport will show the person is born in Taiwan.)

2. A newborn child of a U.S. citizen is a U.S. citizen automatically. Simply follow here to complete the process:


As a native-born citizen, the newborn is not eligible for a U.S. visa as a matter of law.

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