do u think the florida cop shooting dog case is justified?

2016-03-07 1:35 pm

回答 (10)

2016-03-07 2:19 pm
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I did watch the video that you posted in a link under the comment you gave to Sir Studley Smugley. In my opinion, that dog ran RIGHT TO THE OFFICER and that officer had no idea whether he's get bit/attacked or not, so within a split second of thinking, he reacted in a way in which he DID think he was in danger, whether he was or not. It was up to that owner to make SURE their dog didn't escape the door, just like it would be if it would have been if the person at the door was a salesman or anyone else. What's done is done, and I suppose the officer could have used mace or pepper spray on the dog first, but again, he reacted on split second instinct. It was a DOG that was approaching him quickly, not a child. If a child would have ran out the door, he wouldn't have pulled his gun out.

Edit: That woman had a CHOICE to *contain* her dog BEFORE she opened the door. She didn't do that, so it's my opinion that it's her fault that her dog was shot. If she would have put a leash on the dog, put it in a crate, or contained in in a bedroom, her dog would still be alive.

Edit #2: What if it would have been a little girl going to the door selling Girl Scout Cookies and the dog ran out and mauled her? Don't you think that the dog would have been euthanized and that woman would have had the pants sued off of her?.......Her dog....her responsibility, no matter who comes to the door.
2016-03-07 1:44 pm
I don't think about stuff that I haven't heard about. If you had provided a link, that would have been helpful.
2016-03-07 1:37 pm
Haven't heard of it but if the dog was coming after the cop, shoot it dead.
2016-03-07 3:14 pm
2016-03-07 2:30 pm
don't much care -- dogs aren't people
2016-03-07 2:10 pm
There is still not enough info there in the link.
2016-03-07 1:39 pm
u need to b more specific
2016-03-07 3:02 pm
No, but then when I read that a dog bit a cop my first reaction is to hope that the dog doesn't get sick. There was a case recently in all the papers where a cop shot a 10 month old bull terrier pup and they got the whole case thrown out. Plus their gofundme page got millions I hear. Cops too often shoot innocent pets (and people) and I appalud all the huge awards against them. Whatever happened in Florida, I hope the dog is OK and the cop never works another day in his life. They don't really have the IQs to be telling people what t do.
2016-03-07 5:46 pm
This is a tough one Anthony, she said, they said. I looked at the opening couple of seconds a number of times. It's a puppy's normal reaction on a door opening.

I am swaying towards the no, it is not justified. There are other ways to subdue a dog.
2016-03-07 2:55 pm

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