My Rottweiler keeps jumping on visitors. How do I stop this? He's around 4 months old.?

2016-03-07 1:28 pm

When I saw his father he jumped on me and gave me a hug, do they do this for attentions? genetic thing? his mother looked a much more reserved Rottweiler. The father was way too friendly.


My Rottweiler is already being trained by a professional dog trainer. But sometimes he tries to challenge me, he jumps on me and bites.

回答 (22)

2016-03-07 3:13 pm
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Oh Geeee... you really were not ready for this dog Dwayne.

He isn't challenging you at 4 months old, he is trying to interact with you but he does have to learn respect.

His father wasn't 'way too friendly' he was way too undertrained. He had no manners.

If you want to do something right for this dog get onto youtube and find Kikopup videos and start doing A TON of obedience exercises.

What quite do you mean by
"My Rottweiler is already being trained by a professional dog trainer"

YOU need to learn how to train your dog, so hopefully it is YOU being trained by a professional dog trainer, and I sincerely hope you mean just obedience and good manners training and nothing else knowing some of the questions you have asked.

If you don't get on top of this and learn how you control your dog you won't have him much longer.

You don't allow him to jump on visitors. Keep him on a lead when they come and get him to calm down before meeting.
2016-03-07 3:46 pm
You stop it by teaching the dog to sit and stay - no matter how friendly he wants to be. It will be a huge problem in a short time if you don't. WHY do you need a professional trainer if the puppy is only 4 months old? YOU should be teaching the dog basic commands at home.
2016-03-07 1:33 pm
It's a normal puppy response to jump up and greet people. You DON'T want this happening when your puppy is a 120 lb. adult dog. I suggest you seek some formal obedience training. You can either take a class where you and the puppy can learn together, OR you can pay a professional to train your dog, but if you are going to keep a Rottweiler, you need to start NOW
2016-03-07 2:31 pm
You train them and there are these things called books that are made with paper that are sold in pet supply stores and book stores telling you how to do it. Maybe you should go shopping and find some to use to help you train your puppy. Then you blew it when you didn't practice enough at home and do YOUR homework. It doesn't matter how much you pay a "professional trainer" if you don't practice at home then, duh, yeah the puppy will "challenge" you. I suggest you pick up your phone and CALL that professional trainer and they will tell you the same thing...PRACTICE what they did at home!

Add: your puppies father was UNTRAINED and the owner was an idiot to allow such poor behavior!
2016-03-07 2:43 pm
Obviously this can be 'cute' and it's great he's a friendly chap, but it needs to be stopped before he gets much older and bigger! When you have visitors, either remove him until they are in and settled, or greet them with him on a lead (be careful, sometimes being on a lead might make a dog inclined to think there's something wrong, and perhaps encourage aggression). He does need to learn to sit by you when people come in however, at least.

Obedience classes?
2016-03-07 3:38 pm
Oh please, it's only four months, I had two Rottweiler's from 8 weeks, at 16 weeks they are still playful puppies.

But you do need to start to give it obedience training till it's six to seven months for proper obedience training. My two went to puppy kindergarten at 12 weeks.

Even at 12 weeks, when they obeyed a command, I used to acknowledge it with rubbing the chest with good dog or good Max or Sasha, or a treat, not all the time with the treats though.

If you keep standing there saying bad dog all the time, the poor thing will never know.
2016-03-07 1:32 pm
Keep him on leash and control him around visitors.
2016-03-07 1:34 pm
You can try scattering liver treats on the floor when visitors arrive .

You can try using your hand ( not to push the dog down ) to prevent the dog from jumping up while using a command like " off " .

Or you can try training the dog that he is to sit on his bed rather than greet visitors at the door and then later let him move freely when he's calmed down .
參考: Edit ; Yeah , and you have to keep in mind that whatever technique/s you employ ,,,, they will have to be repeated , over and over for months . It's not as if there is some way to tell him a couple of times and have it stick forever . You also have to keep in mind that what your trainer does is just a small fraction of what is required and that all the repetition and reinforcement is your job .
2016-03-07 2:00 pm
That's a normal for puppy. Just let the visitors to understand before they visit that you had a dog that will jump them.
2016-03-08 12:58 am
Pups jumping is natural. But if it is something you don't want them to do then you should try and resolve the problem while your dog is still young. If there is a petco or petsmart in your area then you should take them to class. your dog will learn social skills there. I never thought I would take my pup to training classes but my husband insisted and she is a totally different dog. she listens when spoken to and is well behaved.
2016-03-08 12:12 am
if you wish a more aloof pup then you look for this trait in the litter you are interested in, some people object to owning friendly jumping types they want discriminating dogs with some attitude.

if you look at which dogs USA presidents mostly owned you would find terriers predominate, the scottish terrier is pick of many, some still bite when provoked...
2016-03-07 9:56 pm
Have him on a leash when visitors arrive and stand on his leash so he can't jump. Give him no options, but to behave. When he tries to bite you,. pull away, your back to him and yelp sharply like a puppy. It teaches him that biting-even mouthing--- leads to no playing
2016-03-08 3:29 am
Everything Lorainne said.

YOU not someone lese needs to train your puppy.
His father was untrained, not overly friendly.

Your puppies behaviour is normal, but you need to learn to manage him now, before he gets any bigger.

Even 8 week old puppies coming into a new home need boundaries.
This applies doubly for large powerful breeds like Rotties.
2016-03-07 5:46 pm
watch dog whisperer............
2016-03-07 1:34 pm
He's young, rowdy, and a particular breed that has a outgoing personality anyways. It's going to be hard to stop this. You could try putting him in another room until your company gets settled in good and everything is calm, then bring him out. This may not do any good either though. I had a blue heeler who did this, when I put him in a room right before company showed up, and left him there until we all got settled down and talking then I could bring him out and he'd act fine.
2016-04-21 9:39 pm
Find what motivates your dog. Some dogs do anything for food. Some dogs do anything for Toys. Some do anything for a good petting. Some do anything for only one type of food, like cheese, or hotdog. Some only have interest in training for 5 minutes at a time, and others can go for an hour. Figure out what your dog is willing to work for, and then work with her in sessions that are no longer than she can tolerate. How to train your dog properly

Sign up for a dog obedience training class. It will not train your dog. It will give you training on how you can train your dog. Most people understand the idea of training, but there is a right and a wrong way to do it, and there is good and bad technique. Timing and consistency is very important, and it helps to have feedback of someone watching you who can help you improve your technique to get more efficient results with your dog.

However, she may be somewhat anxious around other dogs, sort of like the shy kid on the playground. She will benefit from continuing what you are doing as far as asking her to sit before entering, but there are more things along those lines that will help her to calmly go in and out of the dog park. She may also benefit from going in short bursts, or only when fewer dogs are present, or avoiding times when other dogs that make her nervous are present. Maybe she just plays loud - my brother's dog is this way - or maybe she is a dogpark bully - sorry it is possible. But more likely she is just a little anxious around new dogs and she wants to play but just doesn't quite know how to do that and still feel comfortable. Don't be surprised if your dog does not actually like the dog park, and maybe she would get more enjoyment and less stress out of simply going for a good walk somewhere else.

A wagging tail does not mean that your dog is happy or even comfortable with the situation. It means your dog is emotionally aroused. This could be a happy arousal, or it could be a nervous arousal, or it could be an aggressive arousal. Go youtube it, there are plenty of videos of 'vicious' dogs who are throwing a very aggressive fit of barking and snarling while their tail is wagging vigorously. Even police dogs who are not let off the leash to chase down a suspect can be lunging and barking and snarling, and their tails are still going.
2016-03-12 12:11 am
It's actually very simple. Tell your guests to NOT touch the dog until the dog is calm and sitting. If the dog gets up to jump again ignore him. You also need to practice this. Overtime he will understand that jumping gets him no attention and sitting does.
2016-03-09 3:42 am
Your "Professional Dog Trainer", isn't much of a "Professional" obviously, or you wouldn't be asking for info here! A good trainer knows that training starts with the OWNER, not the dog!
2016-03-08 2:51 pm
He's hyper,excited to see people,he's a puppy they do that to take the attention from anyone,in other words he wants all the attention
2016-03-10 5:25 pm
whatever you won't allow them to do you need to teach them that will not be acceptable
2016-03-10 4:49 pm
You need to teach your dog basic commands, like 'sit' and 'stay', and try and get more vistors to come around to get your dog to practice. Also when he jumps tell your visiters to ignore him and turn your back giving him no attention. Once he is on all fours give him big praise, It takes time but good luck!
2016-03-09 1:17 am
ask strangers to jump on him next time & he wont do that anymore.
2016-03-08 7:06 pm
2016-03-09 12:41 am
He's still a puppy. Give him a break.
2016-03-07 2:07 pm
Watch Zav George videos on youtube. He's a great trainer
2016-03-08 10:42 am
your dog will get shot, if it ever jump on me, i ll shoot it, does puppy means not dangerous? NO, everyone especially cops has the right to kill it if it attacks, so u should disown it,its just for your own good
2016-03-07 8:57 pm
Hello Dwaine,

When a puppy comes running up to us and jumps on us, we think, "She loves me, she is so happy to see me!" We feel special and chosen and cherished. And who doesn't thrill to watch puppies jumping and leaping about in play?

They are so carefree, so full of the joy of life. These are the reasons we want puppies in our lives, to bring us that enthusiasm, that appreciation of the everyday things we take for granted.

But since a puppies' strongest ability is their sense of smell, and since their primary purpose during the first eight months of life is to investigate and learn about everything in their new world, they will naturally want to check out and smell every human that comes into their environment.

The strongest scent for a dog to check out is coming from our mouths. Puppies and small dogs will want to jump up to get closer to our faces and find out what's going on there.

As always, I advocate that prevention is the best medicine. You can avert a puppy jumping up problem from day one with your new puppy, by practicing the simplicity of the no touch, no talk, no eye contact rule whenever you first greet your puppy. This sends a calming signal and helps a puppy to stay focused on her nose. Her nose will keep her on the ground, and her eyes and ears will react differently.

Remember, never do the "Band-aid" method, or picking her up. The behavior you want to remove--stopping the puppy jumping--is not gone. It's only put on pause.

Hope this helps,

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