I hate my mother.....?

2016-03-06 8:39 pm
I know my mother has the best intentions for me, I really do. I can even see it sometimes in the way she behaves. The thing is, my older sister needs a heart transplant and is very sick and my mother gives her everything she wants and lets her go out and get sloppy drunk and turns a blind eye. When she so much as does'nt see me for a few hours she assumes that I've gone to go smoke weed and treats me like some bad, sneaky liar child. I get straight A's and my older sister fails half her classes but she yells at me when i get a B and doesn't even reprimand my failing sister. Now that things have become very serious with my sister's heart, my mother is very anxious all the time. She's already had a very hard life with abusive parents and other very traumatic things, so she's always been anxious. It's amplified now, and I don't think she realizes how awful she's become. She turns everything against people and is secretly very insecure. She especially targets me, all my family members have noticed. I've wanted a therapist for a year or two now to talk about all this and have told my parents that many times. They say "we'll find someone." but they haven't. When my older sister said she ight want therapy, they hired a very expensive therapist. I know this may be because of her heart stuff but it felt like ****. My mother acts all nice and wounded and sweet sometimes and then is an evil ***** the rest of the time and will ignore me and my twin. I hate her and she depresses me a lot.

回答 (5)

2016-03-06 10:53 pm
just the fact that she wont let you see a therapist is neglect, if you call cps you might not have to live there
2016-03-06 9:50 pm
I have a mother like this too, but I learned long ago she would not listen to reason from me, because she offered me zero credibility. So then I thought to myself who does she actually listen to? At first I thought my father could get through to her, but quickly learned he wasn't willing. So then I realized she does listen to her friends. So I talked to a couple of them about how she was getting so nutty, especially in relation to me. They agreed it wasn't right. So then I waited. And in less than a week, my mother changed pretty drastically as if someone finally got through to her and that she saw the error of her ways. Maybe the same strategy may work for you.
2016-03-06 8:55 pm
This is an invisible family disfunction that is just now beginning to be recognized, and that is what the family dynamics are due to the healthy sibling when there is a sick sibling. As you say, you;re invisible until you're blamed, your needs are ignored while her every little want is met.
No, it's not fair, but little in life is. We all deal with the hand we are dealt, we all have problems, this happens to be yours.
2016-03-06 8:42 pm
"needs a heart transplant" and "get sloppy drunk" - troll
2016-03-06 8:41 pm
Blow me

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