Will Windows 10 ruin my new computer?

2016-03-06 5:20 pm
I just bought an hp pavilion desktop computer 550-a114 and i need to run some heavy programs on it. Windows 10 is PREINSTALLED and i have heard a lot of crap about windows 10... will it ruin my experience and slow down my computer? I need to install
Toon boom 8.0
Manga studio ex4
Adobe photoshop elements 9
Maybe camtasia studio
Maybe minecraft

回答 (24)

2016-03-06 5:25 pm
The problems with Win 10 are with users who are UPGRADING an older computer and have hardware that is not compatible with Win 10.

In your case, you have a new computer so you don't have that issue.

Win 10 is faster than Win 7 or Win 8.1 so the "slow down your computer" doesn't apply

As long as you have enough RAM (at least 4GB) you can run all of those programs
2016-03-06 7:32 pm
If it's pre-installed, you're pretty much screwed. You could pay to have Windows 7 installed, but within the next few years Microsoft won't support it any longer (like the way they deserted XP, to compel everyone to Windows 7, 8, and now 10). I had a similar issue this last year, when I bought a new laptop (pre-installed with Windows 10), and I just said to heck with it and installed Linux on it, instead (which I have been using on some of my other computers). You can do just about everything on Linux that you can on Windows, including gaming, and if you use Ubuntu it's the most user-friendly. Or you can stick with Windows 10. If you do stick with Windows 10, I'd download Spybot Anti-Beacon, which is free, to block some of the more objectionable intrusiveness and spyware aspects of Windows 10. I would also YouTube some videos on how to protect your privacy on Windows 10 (use a local email to log-in, shut off Cortana, privacy settings, etc.). I need to warn you, even with all of that, Microsoft has created a backdoor to spy on you regardless, and they can and will data mine everything you do on your computer (you're only disabling some of what they're doing, not everything), to hand over to third party advertisers. If the East German Stasi invented an operating system, it would be Windows 10. Good luck.
2016-03-07 12:04 am
While Windows 10 won't exactly "ruin" your computer, it will be quite a different experience than you're probably used to. If you've read the Windows 10 End User License Agreement, and aren't the least bit worried about the control Microsoft will have over your personal information, the Windows downloads you'll be forced to accept, the control over what programs/software you can install on your computer, ( yeah, Microsoft retains the right to uninstall any personal programs/software you install on your computer ) because they feel these programs/software may interfere with the Microsoft Windows 10 software, and also the right to glean your personal information and store it on their server, then Windows 10 won't bother you at all.
2016-03-06 6:28 pm
Crap??? No it won't because you didn't do an UPGRADE.

All the programs you listed should work just fine on Windows 10, or worst case, some may need an upgrade to the W 10 version of the App, if the App's website does not say "Windows 10 Compatible". Just check first.

People who Upgraded to W 10 from older versions of Windows, are having far more problems than people that bought a new PC with Windows 10 Factory pre-installed.
2016-03-06 8:55 pm
I run windows 10 and most of those programs all at once on two different screens.. the load is very high and the pc handles them just fine... you need muscle to run all this stuff though... if you have a crappy computer,,, well yes it may freeze. I have 16 gigs of rAM an 8 core cpu and a great video card..
2016-03-07 3:39 am
Windows 10 has performance improvements over 7, 8, and 8.1, so performance wise, if the games support it, would technically be better, but definitely not worse. I use "Start Menu 8" which is a program that brings back the windows 7 style start menu, without the live tiles that always annoy me. The only thing about windows 10 that I don't' like is the live tiles on the start menu, you know, those square colorful boxes that don't make any sense, and are only good if you're using a tablet or something that's touch screen. That's my opinion, other people's opinion will vary, but this is mine, I'd get windows 10. Again, my opinion.
2016-03-06 10:20 pm
If it comes with Windows 10 it will be 100% FINE. The issues can happen only if you're upgrading from very old hardware. I have 3 computers running Windows 10 and they are all awesome!
2016-03-10 9:46 pm
Do Not Upgrade To Windows 10

Windows 10 upgrade killed my laptop. I didn’t have the option to roll back. I couldn’t get to a desktop to back up my data. Dead. Shot through the heart, no warning.
2016-03-08 4:45 pm
if i were you i'd wipe the drive clean, and i mean clean, even the hidden partitions. And then install what i want. I dont recommend pre-installed anything simply because they are all set to load on startup and i dont need everything to load on startup. Its too much work setting it up to be fast as it should be. So ya, first make a windows 10 disk installer, you can get a copy at microsoft.com. Then when you have your windows10 disc wipe your harddrive clean (youtube has videos on how to do it) and then install windows 10. Just keep your windows serial number, it should be on a sticker somewhere on your computer, you will need it to activate your win10 later on
2016-03-08 2:06 pm
Windows is NOT the only computer operating system in the world. Have you never heard of the word FREE? = Open Source Operating Systems & Free = Open Source Professional Software,There are other operating systems that's Faster. Stable, Secure, Superior, and far more Advanced, They are up2date, February 2016 all the software you'll ever need comes FREE. including Photo, 3D animation, Video & Audio production. Below are some web links check them out for yourself then you'll learn what the word Free means Your computer is a Hp Your using Adobe software then you should know that both companies develop and support the Free Open Source Linux operating System Check out the Linux Foundation web sites You will find that the worlds top 210 hardware manufactures and Software developers develop Linux operating system
參考: Recommended Free Operating System https://linuxmint.com/download.php/ The Latest Operating Systems releases http://distrowwatch.com/ Free Photo editor http://gimp.org Free 3D animation editor http://blender.org/ Linux Foundation website http://linuxfoundation.org/about/members/ Linux is everywhere. watch this youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XTHdcmjenI

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