why the chinese survived the big flood from the bible?was the flood worldwide?or it's just a myth ?

2016-03-06 4:12 pm
A flood myth or deluge myth is a narrative in which a great flood, usually sent by a deity or deities, destroys civilization, often in an act of divine retribution. Parallels are often drawn between the flood waters of these myths and the primeval waters found in certain creation myths, as the flood waters are described as a measure for the cleansing of humanity, in preparation for rebirth. Most flood myths also contain a culture hero, who "represents the human craving for life"

The flood myth motif is widespread among many cultures as seen in the Mesopotamian flood stories, the Hindu texts from India, Deucalion in Greek mythology, the Genesis flood narrative, Bergelmir in Norse Mythology, and in the lore of the K'iche' and Maya peoples in Mesoamerica, the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa tribe of Native Americans in North America, the Muisca people, and Cañari Confederation, in South America.


so the origin of Races from NOAH'S SONS is another myth , right?


@jack , the flood supposedly happened 2 thousand yrs before CHRIST and the chinese already existed - the chinese calendar says they're in the year 4717, the jewish calendar says they are in the year 5776...

回答 (8)

2016-03-06 4:44 pm
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All civilizations seem to have prospered at the waters edge rivers lakes seas so they all had floods as any ratio to body of waters and RAIN the component of any flood story Rain odd the bible will tell you Moses lived 120 years how did they keep track of 120 years but can't tell me the date of of the Flood apparently if 8 people survived when they told the story they would have been able to record that it was 600 moon cycles ago apparently Noah lived to 950 years so if Noah can keep track of 950 years he had a METHOD to do that he taught his decedents how to count YEARS and supposedly the flood happened when Noah was 600 years old

. so why are there NO dates in the BIBLE as in YEARS . that tells me the people who wrote it had a measurement system of years was that 12 moon cycles are a year and we start counting from the end of the flood what year was the flood ?

so if the flood was 2325 BC as per Jewish scholars claim and we have Egyptian tombs that are from 2750 BC how are those tombs present and that there was no pause in the Egyptian civilization the dynasties continue all the way to Cleopatra the first dynasty is 3150 BC continues for 31 dynasties to 30 BC the sixth dynasty was 2345 to 2181 BC no pause for a world wide flood

in 2500 BC there were towns on the yellow river in china
2016-03-06 4:20 pm
You clearly do not know either the Bible or Christianity. Learn and try again. As your question is currently phrased, it is unanswerable. When the "flood" happened, there were no Chinese people. All people were one race and one nation as far as anyone knows. After the "flood" all people were one race and one nation. People did not disperse until the Tower of Babel incident.

Nobody knows how long ago any of that happened. False assumptions and false reasoning lead to false conclusions. You are also confusing prophecy with a time-line. Prophecy happens BEFORE an event.
2016-03-06 6:37 pm
The flood is not historical or is not wold-wide. I claim that it teaches the truth about evil and sin in the arc from the garden story to the flood.

Rejecting factuality is not a sufficient basis for rejecting truth. Read a commentary from outside fundamentalism. Even evangelicals are not all fundamentalists.
2016-03-06 4:39 pm
I agree with Jack's answer.

At the time of the flood, there was only one continent. And one language.

After the flood, we started over again with only eight people. Still one language. There was no one else on the planet, other than these eight people.

It was 100 years after the flood when the Tower of Babel incident occurred. God separated the one continent into what we have today, and God scrambled the language into many languages, and God scattered the people all over the world. Meaning God transported people to different continents according to their language.

And this explains why many ancient cultures have a "flood story." This has been passed down verbally through many generations, and some of the details have been messed up, but the story is basically the same.

參考: ------------------------- (Source) Notice the part that says "the earth was divided." To Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg, for in his days the earth was divided, and his brother’s name was Joktan. (Genesis 10:25)
2016-03-06 4:21 pm
was the flood worldwide?or it's just a myth ?

- The ice age ended and the oceans rose about 400 feet, THAT was the world wide flood.
2016-03-06 4:18 pm
Most early cultures that have flood myths, developed along major rivers and thus would have been flooded from time to time with major floods occurring rare enough to be remembered and feared but not predicted or seen as cyclic. Another thing to note is that while many cultures have flood myths, the details widely vary as to how the flood was escaped (if it was) and who escaped (if any) and none of them can be traced back to a common time.

As far as a world wide flood goes, there is no evidence that suggests that such an event might have occurred nor is there enough water (or hydrogen, needed to make water) present to account for such a flood,
2016-03-09 10:03 am
The ancient Chinese were smart people and did worship a supreme being, ShangDi, who is a spirit and is the Creator of the universe. They truly honoured ShangDi and claimed that the Mandate of Heaven to the emperor was to respect Heaven and love the people (Image). Their leaders were chosen from those who were worthy to serve ShangDi and His people rather than by descent from aristocracy. It was during this stable political period that they invented the Chinese lunar calendar, boats, wagons, currency, and a time-tested political system.

An alleged problem appears when taking the biblical date of the Flood (2348 BC by Ussher) and man's ideas when Egypt began (3200 BC).

Traditional Egyptian chronology, which dominates modern understanding of ancient history, but is inconsistent with the Bible. When there is a discrepancy between traditional chronology and the Bible’s chronology, scholars usually ignore the Bible.

But if you've studied the history, rather than simply read about it, you already know that Ptolomy II commissioned a priest named Manetho to compile a history of Egypt. You should know that Manatho's chronology is known to be inaccurate. Moses has finally been found in the 12th Dynasty, for example, rather than the 18th where they were looking, and knew the Bible to be in error before. Because Manetho’s history contradicts actual Egyptian records from the time of the pharaohs, historians should not consider Manetho’s history authoritative.

Perhaps the proto-Hebrew texts dating back to the 11th century BC? That and other evidence suggest the Bible was written as events were happening since the Davidic period... Those same texts explicitly refer to the Books Of Moses pushing the books of Moses back to 1450 BC.

Parallel historical accounts are found in 500 civilizations around the world, many with no clear connection. Independent from the Bible, Noah's grandson Kush is specifically named as a post flood king in the Sumerian Kings list.

Then you have non-textual physical lines of evidence indicating a global event about the time (based on genealogies) that are consistent with the flood or the likely aftermath.

Since you are probably aware of Imhotep, you already know of the Great Pyramid, Mizraim, a Hebrew word translated "Egypt." Mizraim was Noah’s grandson, born to Ham after the Flood. So Mizraim’s descendants could not have built the Great Pyramid of Egypt (Mizraim) until after the Flood, and for that matter, after the events at the Tower of Babel that caused Mizraim’s family to move to the region of the Nile River. Further, as a geologist, I can assure you that the pyramids of Giza are built on the fossil-bearing rock layers from the Flood of Noah’s day

With all this evidence, the Great Pyramid is clearly post-Flood.

As to similarities with Gilgamesh and the Bible other than a flood (local in the epic) and a boat (small in the epic) there really aren't any! There are far more similarities in the Sumerian Eridu, Atra-hasis and the Shuruppak than in the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Actually the Epic of Gilgamesh dates to about 1050 BC.. References to the Books Moses wrote date to the same period about 1000 BC indicating first there were indeed texts written by Moses, and that those texts were known and fairly widely distributed by that time. If we examine the Genealogies we find that those texts by Moses had to be written no later than 1450 BC a full 400 years before the Epic of Gilgamesh.

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2016-03-06 9:49 pm
There are many flood story's and the Chinese or Samaritans have one also.

There is no knowing how many cultures on different continents were told by God of a flood and to build a boat and preserve seed and livestock.

One thing is apparent even though people keep on doubting.

In almost all countries we have anomaly's like a mammoth flash frozen with tropical foliage in its mouth and stomach a 2000 lbs leopard seal frozen on top of the Himalayan mountains.

A baby whale quick frozen and then burried by mud in Java. We're it never freezes!

Penguins bones in Hawaii.

Things that prove beyond any doubt that 5000 years ago a sudden freeze happened in places that just don't freeze.

And seals don't climb mountains of fly.

And palm trees and mangoes don't grow at the North Pole. The biggest anomaly is grand canyon and the Amazon river large amounts of dirt from grand canyon are at a layer in the Amazon .

Sure proof of a massive water flood!

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