全世界有上百萬種動物被科學家記錄。從沙漠、熱帶雨林、到深海,甚至是都市,世界各地仍不斷有新物種被發現,在我們發現牠們之前,牠們不知道已經在那生活了幾萬年了!在世界上有我們不知道的新物種,科學家還在發掘不同的物種,宇宙真是奇妙 請各位幫忙我翻英文~ 謝謝?

2016-03-06 12:32 pm

回答 (1)

2016-03-06 12:48 pm
Millions of creatures were recorded by the scientists all over the world. From desert and rain-forest, to deep seas and big cities, there are still new creatures being found by us. We didn't even know that the new creature that we found had been living there for over thousands of years! There are still unknown species out there which the scientists are still looking for them. What an amazing universe!

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