Honey cinnamon water?

2016-03-04 4:26 pm
So I read about this honey cinnamon water and how it can help you lose weight faster. My boyfriend is in boot camp and I wanted to lose a few pounds before he came back. I'm not over weight or anything. I have curves but I have a bit of a belly that I wanted to go down a bit. I was thinking about trying the water but I'm concerned that I will lose my butt/thighs. I'm naturally "thick" and I don't want to lose my thickness lol. How can I avoid them getting smaller? Do you think as long as I keep going to the gym, I won't lose them? Has anyone here ever tried the water and has seen results? How long did it take fore you to see results? Let me know.

回答 (3)

2016-03-04 6:02 pm
There is NO 'magic potion' that will change the shape of your belly. And losing weight won't help either.

If your belly bulges, it is because the muscles around your waist aren't pulling hard enough to flatten it. Honey and cinnamon won't 'enchant' them into becoming tighter ('toned').

You need to train these muscles if you want to tighten them. Train them HARD, with moves that TWIST your waist and WIGGLE your hips, in a standing position. Kicking a punchbag is excellent.

AVOID situps, crunches, leg lifts and planks. These exercises (even the twisy types) LIMIT your waist movement, and train the wrong muscle.
2016-03-04 8:11 pm
Don't bother with that. That hit of sugar will cause an insulin spike and make you hungry for carbs. But do join a gym in this interim.
2016-03-04 4:42 pm
--->> Ans---> https://tr.im/skintipps

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