How to get rid of the smell of cigarettes on your clothes?!!?

2016-03-04 2:22 pm
My mom and step dad smoke cigarettes a lot and the smell is like on my clothes now, always. And when I go to school literally everyone tells me I smell like cigarettes and it s so embarrassing and annoying. I know my mom cares but my step dad doesn t, he s like addicted to it and it pisses me off. Anyways I m at school like as I m typing this and I just want to know a fast and easy way to get it off of my clothes. I don t think perfume works.

回答 (14)

2016-03-04 2:27 pm
Unfortunately, nothing will really work. Febreeze may be your best bet, although if the smell is that bad, it may still be noticeable. Another alternative is to keep some clothes at school in your locker, and never take them home. You will have to change into them at school in the morning, and then change out of them again to go home. When they need washing, get a friend to do it for you or take them to a public laundromat. The smell may still linger on your skin and in your hair, so remember to wash regularly, maybe bring some wet wipes to school, and use dry shampoo when you have to. I'm sorry you have to deal with such selfish parents.
2016-03-05 4:06 am
Unless you can get them to drop the habit or unless you live elsewhere, there is no escaping that smoke. If it's in your clothes, it's probably in all the fabrics in your house.
2016-03-05 2:33 am
Perfume and detergent should work. The best way is to quit smoking, but I'm trying to be polite. :) All I will say is to use your favorite cologne or perfume and if you don't like all that, some good smelling laundry detergent should work well.
2016-03-04 3:49 pm
The smoke smell is in everything.

You can try washing your clothes with a little less soap and 3/4 cup of baking soda and after drying, place your clothes in plastic bags and tie up the bottom part to keep the smoke from getting on your clothes.

And keep your door to your room closed.
2016-03-04 2:30 pm
Perfume does work you just need a lot of it. But its very difficult getting rid of the smell of smoke of your clothes unless you wash them. When you get home a good way to get rid of the smell of smoke from clothes is add a cup of vinegar to a bath tub of hot water. Hang clothes above the steam, either put them In the washer or by hand, rinse with clear water. Dry thoroughly
2016-03-09 8:17 am
It doesn't matter how you wash them if you store them in the house and they smoke inside. Even stored in plastic, washed in vinegar and soda, and closing your door,smoke will permeate everything in the home, and fresh clothes will pick up that scent.Such as when you put them on and walk through the house to the door. If there is a way to hang them outside to dry and store, you may be succeed. Basically your only going to be able to minimize the scent and cover with perfumes. I feel for you- my dad was a smoker.
2016-03-07 5:56 am
For some reason, I think that the cigarette smell is more 'pervasive' than it used to be! My son & DIL smoke, and I can smell it on the grand kids.

I would suggest keeping the door to your room closed at all times. Also, keep your closet door closed. Whenever it is possible, open your windows to 'air out' your room. Spray your clothes in the closet with Fabreze or a similar product. You might also spray your clothes with a Fabreze-type product before leaving home.

What I cannot understand is that I have 2 friends who smoke. In one home, there is no smell of smoke. In the other, the home reeks of smoke. Both are excellent house-keepers and their homes are very neat and clean. Why is there a strong smell of cigarette smoke in one and not the other?

My best remedy for the 'stinky-smell' is fresh air and Fabreze.
2016-03-06 10:14 am
Wash normally and use white vinegar for softener. Fold the clothes and immediately put them in Zip-Loc freezer bags. Freezer bags are thicker than normal specifically to resist gases leaking through the plastic.
2016-03-05 12:27 pm
Be in the open, get fresh air and you'd be fine after a few minutes. Using perfume doesnt always work.
2016-03-05 1:59 am
When my children went to their Dad's house (he is a smoker) and then came home and went to school the next day, their coats reeked like smoke. So much so, that a teacher inspected one of my son's lockers because he was suspected to be a smoker with cigs in his locker. He was humiliated and embarrassed. I really felt for him.

So, we decided to have clothes at dad's house and smoke free clothes at my house. When I dropped the children off at their father's, they left their coats in my car.

But, for you, you live there, so where ever there is air, there is a smoke smell that permeates the clothing. Would it be possible to keep your clothes in your room in your drawers, with the drawers closed and the door closed to prevent the smoke smell from getting into your clothing? This way, you could quickly get dressed and immediately leave the house so there is no time for smoke smells to follow you? If there is a basement exit in your house, can you keep some clothes down there and change into the smoke free clothing down there before you leave the house? My thoughts are that if you can take your clean clothes and keep them smoke free, you can quickly put them on before they are exposed to the smoke. Even if you can take them clean from the laundry room and then put them in plastic bags, that would help, perhaps.

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